Business enlargement


Ukunda, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

December 2018

On-time repayments

14 installments  •  29%

About Me

Hello my lenders,
I'm glad that the shown above photo of my business is as a result of your efforts. The loan you lend me I used it in adding more stocks and since I have repaid it fully, I'm hoping that you will also lend me more to keep boosting the business.
I promise to work hand in hand with you so as to improve my life standards, family and friends too.
Thank my lenders and Zidisha community at large.

My Business

I started with a grocery but when I joined Zidisha, I changed to a shoe palar for I realised that it's a booming business and with the help of my lenders, I grow up to a higher level since the demand is high too.
I have also gone further to stock clothes and some parts of electronics.
I know through your support i will continue growing with you.
Thanks my lenders for your efforts.

Loan Proposal

I will use it to buy more stocks for my business and transport it too to my sales point. This will allow me to be well equipped with enough stock and reduce chanches of losing customers because when customers visit my business and asks for a certain ware and finds that it's out of stock, he or she might get bored and go for good. He/she might not come back the next time for he/ she will feel that you still don't have the same item.
By so doing, you will end up losing the market hence running at a loss.
Therefore it's good to be equipped all the time.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 9, 2019

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Craig Newmark

United States

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