Purchase of television for children's cartoon service


Githurai Progressive, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

November 2013

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  89%

About Me

I am happily married and blessed with one child. I reside at Githurai Progressive with my family.

I have successfully completed certificate in ICT and I have established computer games business.

My wife is also engaged in business where she operates a shop while taking care of our child.

Revenue from both business is used to offset our bills which are small because we are staying in a family house thus not paying rent. The rest of the revenue is used for saving to expand the computer game business because their is room for increase in demand for the services.

My Business

I have successfully completed certificate in ICT and established computer games business which I personally run.

The business involves engaging children to play some constructive and entertaining games using the computer hence they pay a fee. The demand is high thus I have bought various games to satisfy the needs of my clients who have various needs but also intend to start selling children cartoon movies as they keep on asking.

I have limited expenses thus I save a lot so I intend to capitalize on this to enable my business grow and I wish to engage Zidisha community so that I can achieve my goal.

Loan Proposal

Am very grateful for considering to extend loan services to my business as currently it requires financial boost to capitalize on the existing room for expansion. My business involves offering computer games to the children and these games are educative and entertaining. I intend to use my savings and zidisha loan to purchase one Television set at a price of Kshs 12 600 so that children interested in viewing cartoon can access the services. The purchase of Television set will assist me to reach out to children who are only interested in watching cartoon.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 13, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Dnepr, Ukraine



Philadelphia, United States


Sarasota, Fl, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States




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