Business of supplying electrical appliances and cables for homes

Wise Sedem

Accra, Ghana


$231 to go

0% funded of $231 goal


days left



Wise Sedem

Member since

December 2021

On-time repayments

3 installments  •  100%

About Me

Awuku Sedem Wise is my name, but I'm mostly called by friends and families as Wise. I am the third among the five children of my parents. I only had elementary education in the Volta land of Ghana. My both parents were not all that yo do financially to help me further my education, so I thought of doing something that will better my future.

My Business

But after completing my basic education, and realizing that I have interest in doing business, I joined people in business of supplying electrical appliances and cabels to homes and companies. This continued to a point that I now have clear knowledge about the business, so decide to do alone. That's why I'm seeking help from zidisha financially to take up course, to better my the livelihood of my community and families

Project Proposal

Loans from zidisha will help achieve my business dream of supplying electrical appliances and cables to homes and companies to better my community.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested


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