Member since
April 2017
On-time repayments
93 installments • 57%
my name is Edna, a mother of two. I am into salon business. I started this business a couple of months ago to boost my income and so far I can say it's good. trying to meet people's needs in term of beauty and being able to deliver is really nice. also being able to give job opportunity to someone is fulfilling. I currently have employed one employee. I am hoping to grow to the fullest potential there is in this business. my family is improving also. I am so happy that zidisha is helping in changing and transforming my life and am really grateful for this community.
I own and operate a beauty salon. I am happy that when I started I started with zidisha and am hoping that I will be able to make more with your help. currently my weekly income is like 1500 Ksh a day before expenses. I am also looking to add more services that most clients are asking for so as to increase my income and therefore need financial assistance. am also thinking of including beauty products in the shop so that all the beauty needs of my clients are met. I really hope I get help here and I will be very grateful.
I am seeking a loan to upgrade my business, to enable growth and enhanced customer experiences. Also the funds will help me pay for the hospital bill of my father who was discharged from hospital but can't get out because of unpaid bill. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
May 1, 2024
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