Need additional capital purchase of seeds red ginger


Ciamis, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

August 2016

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  47%

About Me

My name: Herri Ma"mun Rojiqien Martadireja__Pendidikan: S1 Degree Programs Administration Negara__Riwayat Occupation: __- Private Employees at Bank Danamon, Bank Pundi, Pt. PNM ULaMM, Tbk __- Self: Tour and Travel Services Bureau, Printing brochures, banners, invitations, etc., Business rented house, Chicken Livestock, Fisheries, Agriculture and Trade Dress Red Ginger Muslim__Alamat: Jl. RSU Extended circles. Kalapajajar Rt. 001 Rw. 018 Ciamis in West Java - Indonesia - 46 211

My Business

My current attempt and also the main source of my income: ____- Travel Bureau / Ivory Travel: It has been running two years, the monthly net income of Rp. 3,500,000, -__- Brochure Printing, banners, invitations, etc: Has run two years, the monthly net income of Rp. 2,500,000, - per month house rent ____- Enterprises: Has been running five years, the monthly net income of Rp. 1.500.00, -__- Livestock Chicken: It has been running three years, the monthly net income of Rp. 2,500,000 -__- Fisheries: Has been running three years, the monthly net income of Rp. 750,000, Agriculture -__- Ginger: It has been running two years, the monthly net income of Rp. 800.000, -

Loan Proposal

Currently I have planted seeds of red ginger as much as 50 kg or 3000 seeds. 1 Kg = 60 seed, the price of @ Rp. 40.000, - ditatam in a polybag. Availability polybag me as much as 3200 and has been used for 3000 3000 polybag seedlings, so there are remaining poly 200 bags. For that I now apply for a loan amounting to Rp. 120.000, - to buy seeds 180 seeds, or Rp. 120.000, - to fill the remainder of polybags have not I use .____ So about borrowing needs me, I hope colleagues can help me. Thank you

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama Saya : Makmun Herri Rojiqien Martadireja
Pendidikan : Sarjana S1 Jurusan Administrasi Negara
Riwayat Pekerjaan :
- Karyawan Swasta di : Bank Danamon, Bank Pundi, Pt. PNM Ulamm, Tbk
- Wiraswasta : Biro Jasa Tour and Travel, Percetakan brosur, banner, kartu undangan, dll, Usaha kontrakan rumah, Ternak Ayam, Perikanan, Pertanian Jahe Merah dan Perdagangan Busana Muslim
Alamat : Jl. RSU Lingk. Kalapajajar Rt. 001 Rw. 018 Ciamis Propinsi Jawa Barat - Indonesia - 46211

My Business

Usaha saya saat ini dan juga merupakan sumber utama penghasilan saya :

- Biro Travel / Gading Wisata : Telah berjalan 2 tahun, penghasilan bersih bulanan Rp. 3.500.000,-
- Percetakan Brosur, banner, kartu undangan, dll : Telah berjalan 2 tahun, penghasilan bersih bulanan Rp. 2.500.000,- per bulan

- Usaha kontrakan rumah : Telah berjalan 5 tahun, penghasilan bersih bulanan Rp. 1.500.00,-
- Ternak Ayam : Telah berjalan 3 tahun, penghasilan bersih bulanan Rp. 2.500.000,-
- Perikanan : Telah berjalan 3 tahun, penghasilan bersih bulanan Rp. 750.000,-
- Pertanian Jahe : Telah berjalan 2 tahun, penghasilan bersih bulanan Rp. 800.000,-

Loan Proposal

Saat ini saya telah menanam bibit jahe merah sebanyak 50 Kg atau 3000 bibit. 1 Kg = 60 bibit, harga @ Rp. 40.000,- ditatam dalam polybag. Ketersediaan polybag saya sebanyak 3200 dan telah terpakai 3000 polybag untuk 3000 bibit, sehingga ada sisa polybag sebanyak 200 kantong. Untuk itu saya sekarang mengajukan pinjaman sebesar Rp. 120.000,- untuk membeli bibit sebanyak 180 bibit atau sebesar Rp. 120.000,- untuk mengisi sisa polybag yang belum saya gunakan.

Demikian perihal kebutuhan pinjaman saya, semoga rekan-rekan dapat membantu saya. Terimakasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 15, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States

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