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Tiritab Moita In Bureti District, Kenya

10% repaid




Member since

November 2016

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  9%

About Me

I am 31 years old.In my family we are two boys and one sister.I went to school up to class eight at Tiritab moita primary.Then went to form one at Tiritab Moita secondary.I dropped out in form one after my mother passed away.She was a single mother.Since i was born first in my family circumstances forced me to drop out of school.I started doing casual jobs at construction sites.I fell and injured my leg while ferrying ballast.I left this job and from my savings i opened a small studio at Cheplanget trading Centre in year 2014.I sell movies and music on compact disks.I still take care of my sister and brother.I have a wife with two children.My first born child wants to be a police officer while the second born is still a small baby.

My Business

I own a small studio whereby i sell movies and music on compact disks.The demand is high because iam the only one providing this service in the trading center.At the moment schools are closed and parents are buying Compact disks especially for cartoons and animations to keep their children busy.I choose this business because i had earlier on tried hawking the CD's but due to the injuries i decided to be stationed at one place.I had experience and i was not needing a lot of money to start this business.I have been using profits to take care of my brother and sister.I also take care of my wife and two children.

Loan Proposal

I want to increase stock for DVD movies and music.I plan to give my customers variety of choices.I need to purchase 30 DVD's for movies and music.Total cost is $22.
I will have more sales and my customers will remain loyal to me because they can get the latest block buster series.





  • Will    Dec 18, 2017

    Edwin has not made any payments or updates in the last year.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 7, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months



Geneva, Switzerland

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States



United States



United States



United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States

Ask Edwin a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Frankline    May 31, 2017

    Dear lenders, as the VM for Edwin, I have not yet been able to reach him or the references but I am still working on it to assist him in any way i can and also find out the reasons for not honoring his payments so far.
    Thank you for your patience.

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  • Frankline    Jan 11, 2017

    Dear lenders, I am the VM of Edwin. I am in the process of tracking the progress of Edwin to ensure that he continues repaying his loan on time. If he is experiencing any problems i will try to find ways to assist him.

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  • Edwin    Dec 3, 2016

    I want to increase stock for DVD movies and music.I plan to give my customers variety of choices.I need to purchase 30 DVD's for movies and music.Total cost is $22.
    I will have more sales and my customers will remain loyal to me because they can get the latest block buster series.I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great support.

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  • Edwin    Nov 30, 2016

    I want to increase stock for DVD movies and music.I plan to give my customers variety of choices.I need to purchase 30 DVD's for movies and music.Total cost is $22.
    I will have more sales and my customers will remain loyal to me because they can get the latest block buster series.Thank you,thank you thank you very much for giving me support.Thank you.

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