Buy pesticides & chicken feed for poultry raising


Lusaka, Zambia

163% paid forward




Member since

March 2024

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  80%

About Me

My name is Lweendo Bubala a Zambian citizen and a Tonga by ethnic tribe. Am married and am a mother of 3 being 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy.

I am an Accountant by profession, I hold a Diploma as accounting technician from National institute of public administration {NIPA}.

Am currently working as accounts assistant with the Republic of Zambia at Matero Secondary School. In addition to my professional career. Am also engaged into business , am a farmer, I grow vegetable crops and I raise broiler and layer chickens for sale which makes it an addition income besides my monthly salary.

I wish to work extra hard and further profession career and contribute positively to the growth of our economy and that of family and children.

My Business

I have two sources of income currently, am working as accounts assistant and I earn a monthly salary. Secondly am into farming business, I grow different types of crops such as rape, cabbages, onions, okra, tomatoes, carrots and poultry raising of broiler and layer chickens. I generate good income I want to expand so that I can be financially stable and further education and that of children.

Currently there is too much demand on crop farming because of rain drought experienced between 2023 to 2024, hence I need more funds to inject in the farming business to have more production of crops for sale. Hence I want to take this opportunity to grow and expand into crop farming and the raising of poultry chickens.
I therefore, requesting for additional funds to improve my vegetable gardens by buying all the farming inputs such as fertilizer and pesticides and also stock feeds for poultry raising .

Project Proposal

I am requesting for this funds to buy the following pesticides to protect the vegetable gardens and these are insecticides, herbicides and fungicides to make sure I have a good crop production of vegetables such, rape, cabbages, tomatoes, onions. okra and some carrots. In addition to that I also need to buy the drinkers, the feeders and stock feed for the broiler and layer chickens for poultry raising. The total expense will come to ZMW 18,000.00.
I look forward to your support my backers as I present my loan application to you. Thanking you in advance.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 29, 2024




United States

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