Retailing polythene packaging material


Nairobi, Kenya

12% repaid




Member since

April 2014

On-time repayments

195 installments  •  4%

About Me

I come from an extended family consisting of my granny, mother, aunt, two sisters and a brother. Both of my two sisters are schooling, one in college the other in high school. I started the business as a supplement to my salary to be able to meet their academic demands plus other economic pending issues. I also often give back to society from earning from the business the most recent being a visit to bahati rehabilitation centre for boys. My friends and i were able to buy the boys 100 pairs of open shoes after a previsit we had made and on seeing how much they needed them. My hobbies include singing, travelling and interacting and socialising. Am also a music instructor with some local choirs and enjoy discovering and moulding young untapped talents. I love working with youths and making them discover their talents and worth.

My Business

I have two sources of income the personal business and my salary. I am an employee of kenya aerotech LTD and i make around 40,000ksh per month. The nature of my business is selling of polythene bags mostly common in shops and even supermarkets. These business is lucrative for two main reasons. The non perishability of stock and that they are a basic requirement for normal both micro and macro enterprices. For packaging to exist this has to be used. My customers prefer my business because of timliness, consistency, individual attention and reliability. This makes me stand out in a competitve market with players who have been there longer. The risks the business faces are like price flactuations though rarely and government scare of banning them.the profit margin in the polythene bags is good enough to pay for the loan.from the bags i make a around 30000ksh.i am able to give my family a good life by atleast paying for my son a good school

Loan Proposal

I will use my loan to expand the business buying two bicycles to distribute the polythene/packaging bags to my customers. and hopefully even expand my market niche. Hopefully this will take my business to another level as i will be able to distibute faster and bigger market area.currently my two employees walk around taking the polythene/packaging bags to shops and i have noted the low morale they have started having.with bicycles movement will be easy and fast.and i will have a happy work force and the returns will business plan is to have atleast about three shops by mid next year.. Polythene bags are a daily necessity and its hard to go wrong with this business. They are part and parcel of everyday life and trade. They are the single most popular packaging material available in both wholesale and retail markets. Currently my stock is worth USD 1000 in a good sale i get 60 to 80% profit margins. I guarantee my lenders that this is a worthy business venture which is halfway fulfilling my dream to be a young entrepreneur. Please support my business by making movement easy for my staff.happy staff will result in good profits.thanks in advance





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 19, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

45 months



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