Buy yarn for use in making yarn items


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

May 2018

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  83%

About Me

I am Perez. I am relatively well educated with a degree in education. A few years ago 2014 I lost my job and it became incredibly difficult to secure another job. Within a short space of time I lost everything, I was no longer able to pay rent, my belongings were auctioned and I lived with a relative for a few months. I started making crochet items, it enabled me to move into my own space. A relative bought me my knitting machine after seeing the items I make, on the condition that I would refund the amount paid for the machine. I have so far paid for my training on my machine and I have started making some items. I mostly have crochet clients but the work is slow and thus profits limited, it is difficult to expand. I need large amounts of yarn to be able to make the amount of stock I need to go to the next level.

My Business

Currently I still do mostly crochet work. I want move to mostly machine knitted. I have been researching cute patterns I want to make. Mostly baby items. (90%) Some adult items for ladies. I am also reaching out to new moms, so I get a feel for what they like. We tend to have a pattern in Kenya, if the target group like one thing, they all do, trick is to get to that thing they like.

Loan Proposal

I plan to buy yarn for use in making yarn items for babies (sweaters, trousers, booties, hats and blankets.) Each ball cost $.50 and I want to buy enough yarn to make a few sets to build my stock. I also think this is a good time to build stock because it has been raining.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 11, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week




United States


United States


Todd Naylor

United States

Ask Perez a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Dec 20, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Dec 21, 2018 $14.85 Dec 20, 2018 $14.85
