Buying a laptop computer for my work


Odumasi, Ghana

21% repaid




Member since

March 2021

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  33%

About Me

My name is Prince Otchere aand I am 31 years of age. I am married with two children. Growing up was very tough as my parents couldn't afford my education at the Shs so I dropped out of school at Shs to learn career in Phone repairs. It was my uncle who ensure my smooth and successful completion of my profession. My two sons want to be a professional footballer so I have enrolled the in a sports academy. I am working hard to make sure I make their dreams comes true.

My Business

I have a shop where u sell phone accessories and also repairs phones for my clients. Each services cost an amount and generate income. I developed passion for phone business because I really love how Bill Gate rose to become an IT and Microsoft expert. This encourages me to look more serious to run the business in other to raise profit to help my business.

Loan Proposal

With phone repairs and unlocking buying a laptop computer would help me install softwares that can be used to unlock Phones. Unlocking of phones is on avenue in phone business that produces a lot of profit as it's very costly . The requests for this services is haigh and taking this loan would really help me set up a good foundation for my phone unlocking business.

Income Source

I would pay this loan from the money I get from the daily service I give to my customers on daily basis.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 1, 2021

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months



Malta, Malta


Melbourne, Australia

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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