Member since
May 2022
On-time repayments
20 installments • 50%
My name is Kennedy Ouma born in Mbita sub county Kasgunga sub location, Kachola village. I finished my secondary education in 2019 and passed well.I also did my diploma course in building and construction expecially painting in Ratiya polytechnic in Siaya county, Bondo Town. I later went to Nairobi City to seek employment and blessed with painting of premises and government institutions.
Working in construction company in Nairobi helped me to gain experience and earning a better life to provide for my parents and family members. These helped me to get adequate money to support my degree course and also applying for various tenders in the city.
Hello lenders,I would like you to accept my project proposal,I have a client who have just given me a job but I don't have any a mount to start a job. I pleading with you to accept my proposal , I need a 20litres silk colour paint,a brush,a roller, sandpaper and masktape
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 6, 2023
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