
Thies, Senegal

3% repaid




Member since

December 2012

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  0%

About Me

Je suis une mère avec des enfants mineurs. Je suis une femme d'affaires. Je vends des pièces d'art, colliers, robes africaines avec des perles peu répandues. Une fois que je recevrais le financement, je serais en mesure d'acheter des perles et des tissus en quantités plus importantes pour faire des créations d'art afin de les revendre avec un profit. J'achète les perles pour les colliers et bracelets que je crée pour les revendre à des sociétés intéressées ou à des individus étrangers qui achètent pour revendre aux touristes dans leur pays.

My Business

J'ai commençé avec 40000 FCFA: J'achète et je vends et maintenant cela marche très bien. Ma clientèle s'est accrue et j'ai aussi augmenté mon inventaire en parfums, vêtements, chaussures et autres accessoires pour un montant de 400000 FCFA que je vends à des amis et à des étudiants. Cette activité me permet de générer à moi toute seule un profit net (après avoir déduit les dépenses de transport et crédit bancaire) de 90000 à 140000 FCFA. Mes affaires marchent bien, j'ai accru ma clientèle et j'ai même des commandes du bureau du Personnel. J'attends l'aide de Zidisha.

Loan Proposal

This loan will help me strengthen my business. I live in a place where there are a lot of goods available and business is good here. Suppliers provide me with merchandise and I resell it. I am a businesswoman involved in different economic endeavors. I am a retailer but also a producer of goods as well. I make dye and process fruits and vegetables. I make my own dyed fabrics, I sell jam and local cereals that I process myself. I work at home so I don't have to pay any rent and have no operating costs.

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About Me

I am a mother with minor children, I am a business women. I sell art pieces, necklaces, African dresses with pearls which few people can find. Once I receive the financing, I will be able to buy pearls and fabric in large quantity to make art that I can resell at higher prices. I buy the pearls that I use to make necklaces and bracelets to sell to interested companies or foreign individuals who wish to export abroad to sell to tourists in their country of destination. I am a mother with minor children, I am a business women. I sell art pieces, necklaces, African dresses with pearls which few people can find. Once I receive the financing, I will be able to buy pearls and fabric in large quantity to make art that I can resell at higher prices. I buy the pearls that I use to make necklaces and bracelets to sell to interested companies or foreign individuals who wish to export abroad to sell to tourists in their country of destination. I am a mother with minor children, I am a business women. I sell art pieces, necklaces, African dresses with pearls which few people can find. Once I receive the financing, I will be able to buy pearls and fabric in large quantity to make art that I can resell at higher prices. I buy the pearls that I use to make necklaces and bracelets to sell to interested companies or foreign individuals who wish to export abroad to sell to tourists in their country of destination.

My Business

I started with 40000 FCFA, I buy and I sell and now this is working really well, the number of clients has increased and I have also increased the quantity of products I buy: perfumes, clothing, shoes and other accessories for a value of 400000 FCFA, and I sell them to friends and students. I generate a revenue of 140000 or 90000 FCFA by myself after expenses related to transportation, credit, etc. I am now doing really well, my clients have increased and I even have orders from the Personnel Bureau. I am waiting for the aid from Zidisha. I started with 40000 FCFA, I buy and I sell and now this is working really well, the number of clients has increased and I have also increased the quantity of products I buy: perfumes, clothing, shoes and other accessories for a value of 400000 FCFA, and I sell them to friends and students. I generate a revenue of 140000 or 90000 FCFA by myself after expenses related to transportation, credit, etc. I am now doing really well, my clients have increased and I even have orders from the Personnel Bureau. I am waiting for the aid from Zidisha. I started with 40000 FCFA, I buy and I sell and now this is working really well, the number of clients has increased and I have also increased the quantity of products I buy: perfumes, clothing, shoes and other accessories for a value of 400000 FCFA, and I sell them to friends and students. I generate a revenue of 140000 or 90000 FCFA by myself after expenses related to transportation, credit, etc. I am now doing really well, my clients have increased and I even have orders from the Personnel Bureau. I am waiting for the aid from Zidisha.

Loan Proposal

Ce prêt me servira de mieux renforcer mon commerce. J'habite ou y a beaucoup de marchandise et le commerce marche bien là bas les fournisseurs me fournissent la marchandise et je les revends. Je suis une entrepreneure qui fait diverses activités économique. Je suis commerçante et productrice de bien de consommation je fais aussi de la teinture et de la transformation des jus fruits et légume. Je produis des tissus teintés, je vends aussi des jus confiture céréales locales que je transforme moi-même. Je travaille chez moi je ne paie pas de loyer et mes charges d’exploitation de mon entreprise






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 12, 2013

Repayment status


Projected term

16 months




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Ask Dado a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • ldworld    Mar 27, 2014

    are you planning to repay the loan?

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  • Dado    May 16, 2013

    I thank zidisha for the assistance and I had invested my money in the trade which had started well but unfortunately the one who furnishes my merchandise stole much of the goods and that has repercussions in my trade. I intend to recuperate in one month. I have had a lot of problems recuperating my money. I thank you for the support that you had to bring to me and I will respect my commitments in one month thank you.

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  • Dado    Apr 30, 2013

    salut je voudrais un délai de deux mois démarrer le 15 juin mes commandes se sont retardés du à un accident de chauffeur qui devait me remettre mes bagages et je compte démarrer mes ventes ce mois de mai pour pouvoir payer au mois de juin si toute fois que la situation change je paierais avant meme cette date car zidisha nous a permet à faire nos commandes à temps et nous a pousser à travailler et ne pas dépendre de personne et je compte persévérer pour faire mes versements à temps et suis vraiment désolé pour ce désagrément.

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    • Dado    Jul 17, 2013

      merci mes activités commence à s'améliorer.

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    • Dado    Jul 17, 2013

      merci mes activités commence à s'améliorer.

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    • Dado    Jul 17, 2013

      merci mes activités commence à s'améliorer.

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    • Dado    Jul 17, 2013

      merci mes activités commence à s'améliorer.

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    • Dado    Jul 17, 2013

      Thank you, my activities have begun to improve.

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