Chila options for business


Lusaka, Zambia

100% repaid




Member since

March 2017

On-time repayments

49 installments  •  31%

About Me

I was born into a poor family in a small town in Zambia, My father worked as a soldier.
I went to Government Schools all the way to Form 5.
In between i was forced to go through a private school, which by then was considered as laughable.

I faced stigma and belittlement in the small community in lived.

I only over came all that when i started passing with Distinctions and beating even all the peers who had gone to Government Schools. I then had to gain my won recognition to one of the top Government Schools.

I started my business in 2015 after realising that working was not giving me the desired results.

My land has a unique people comprising 73 ethnic groupings.

My children all have different ambitions, Doctor, Teacher, Actor, Pastor, Nurse with none of then pursuing my career (Accounting).

My hobby is Painting and drawing.

My Business

My business is Professional Business Advisory Services.

The services are on demand because of the importance they have on each and every business , new , established or even upcoming.

TAX services, Accounting, Business Plans for Banks purposes, Linkages to Auditors and other platforms to complete the business profile is paramount.

My passion to serve the masses who are not able to employ a fulltime Accountant drove me into this business.

My costs involve the following
- Office rentals
- Communication costs (internet etc)
- Transport
- Office expenses
- Printing and stationery
- Advertising
- Administrative Costs
- Outsourcing charges
My income is basically Consulting fees and Internships as well as training charges and seminar fees

I spend the income and profits as in:
1.0 My children's fees
2.0 Growing and expansion
3.0 Personal Career Development seminars
4.0 Professional memberships
5.0 Contribution to Humanitarian causes(Lions clubs)
6.0 Home Rentals
7.0 Personal expenses
8.0 Investing in retirement business (farming)
9.0 Mentorship and research

Loan Proposal

I will use the first loan to ensure my logistics are in place as i chase my customers, advertising , telephony,transport.
K50.00 Airtime for bundles
K100.00 Transport for the week
K50.00 Newspaper adverts

My customers will benefits as i will be able to warn them of any impending changes in the business environment that might negatively affect them. e.g ZRA announcements

My business i s expected to realise K1,500.00 form just this K200 investment.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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