Member since
February 2015
On-time repayments
260 installments • 74%
I am Bernard Onsare.I am from Kenya.I grew up in a village called KISII.I am a third born in a family of seven.I went to primary school and later joined high school.since I was a child I had a dream of owning my mother is a busuness woman and she motivated me a lot.that's how I stareted my busines of selling clothes. The uniqueness about the land I live is that people don't have much but they work harder to earn a living I would prefer one to be a doctor and another one am hobby is making friends and working
My business is all about selling clothes.the demand is high since clothes are basic far my cost is ksh.20,000 and my revenue is ksh.15,000i would like to have more capital so that I can add stock and also expand my business across the country.about using my profits I pay school fees for my two kids.
First and foremost I would like to thank you lenders for the good work you are doing to improve lives of people.Second I would like to thank you for the last loan you offered me.I did make good use of it and it improved my business. For this particular loan I am requesting I would like to invest in my business of selling second hand clothes at the same time brand new far I have opened another shop in my neighborhood in order to improve my business and create more profit.This will also help to improve lives of people in my community.I am expecting my profit to increase by 50%.thanks
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Nov 6, 2016
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
20 months
Other loans
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