

Nairobi, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $4 goal


days left




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  70%

About Me

Charlynn Boutique deals with ladies handbags, shoes and clothes. We are retail sellers for the above mentioned based in Nairobi but we do deliveries as well. Serving our customers efficiently and effectively is the main purpose as when we get feedbacks that show satisfaction, we also feel satisfied. Any complaints sent to us are taken seriously and dealt with immediately. We believe a customer is always right thus should be the king/queen in our business.

My Business

They say life is a kaleidoscope and as long as we are still breathing, anything can come forth. One time you may fall but what shows your resilience is how you gather the strength to stand up, dust yourself and get ready to move on. Here comes the story of my life; One evening on the first week of May in the village of Luoro in the year 1982, a baby girl came forth, the first child to the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oriwa; the now fully grown me. Life was beautiful as my late dad being a civil servant took good care of his family and we lacked nothing. We went to the best schools as my parents valued education. I went through primary education and sat my Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in 1996. I passed with flying colours and made my parents proud. I therefore gained admission to a good secondary school and started my secondary education. I was very happy with my transition but little did it occur to me that all this would come to a halt within a blink of an eye. In my mother tongue there is a saying that goes...everything Allah's taste sweetest as it nears the end. It couldn't be further from the truth. For just when I was at the peak of it all, everything took a deep turn; kaleidoscope.

All that came to a halt in June 1998 when to this world my dad bid goodbye. Life took a new twist and things were not easy. Everything about life changed as dad was the sole breadwinner. Despite it all mum tried her best and she tried to fit in dad's shoes though it wasn't easy as she had no regular source of income. In November 1999 our mum passed on, leaving us opharns. I therefore took over the parenting role and however difficult it has been God has seen us through. It was hard but I tried the best I could. I even missed being on school as even getting the fee was a problem. We relied on bursaries and well wishers for the little we had was only enough for our meals. God saw is through as he sent angels in form of human beings our way. We all went through school. I sat my Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in the year 2000. I later started doing menial jobs as all school leavers usually do. I worked as an office messenger as a casual in a government office and this enabled me to get money for college. I was able to save enough and join college eventually. I completed college and luckily got a job to which I'm attached to date. It made life easier as I now had a regular income to which I could budget with however small. My siblings too managed to go through school and complete secondary education as college education remained each one's responsibility now. But all glory be to God because we all made it through. We're now all grown up and blessed with our own families. I am a wife and a mother to two boys and a girl. It gives me joy and I thank God for this far, He has brought us. We ventured into different areas to help us cater for our needs. God's hand has been seen in our lives. We are a living TESTIMONY!
I personally ventured into business as a side hustle as I am in formal employment. As time went by I realised that the business was supplementing my income well and decided to venture more into business and that's why I decided to venture more into partnering with business financier like Zidisha which can enable me move from my current level to the next after I read about it. Before this I had groped in the dark do so long and I really needed a financial partner to help me in expanding my business. Zidisha therefore was god sent as it came at a time when business was kind of down due to the economic times in Kenya. Actually I doubted at first because I felt it was too good to be true! I came to realise that it truly works and I prove that from my first loan which was funded however small it may seem, it went along way in boosting my business because the display improved.I can attest to this as I see more customers flocking in to view and eventually purchase my goods. I've also met people who have shared their experiences and I liked it. They talked of how Zidisha helped them move their businesses from scratch and today they can proudly say that they are on another level altogether. It is my wish that I get more funding so that I can expand my business and bring in more goods like shoes to expand my customer base. I've also ventured into marketing in social media i.e. Facebook to reach more customers. The proceeds from my business has helped me along way. I thank the lenders who volunteer to fund loans of strangers. That should know they are really improving lives. May God bless them with wealth and better health. I already feel the impact of Zidisha in my business and life in general. Thanks to my business we're now home owners in Nairobi and we can afford to take our children to good schools as we supplement our monthly earnings with proceeds from the business to plan ahead. So far my standard of living too already improved. Thank you Zidisha, I couldn't ask for more. I am happy to be associated with you. I believe that with you I'm on the right track and nothing will stop me for I know I can always rely on you. I promise, as a new member, to abide by the rules, pay my loans in time loyally and create the trust needed between a borrower and a lender in order to let things move smoothly. My business has enabled me not to primarily depend on my salary alone and with you I believe I'll be able to do better. I am happy and blessed to have known you at this time. With you am destined for greatness for I know how reliable you are especially for our young businesses. Zidisha you are the best among the rest. I strongly believe in you as the best partner for my business. Charlynn Boutique, My Business, My Pride. .... ..
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Loan Proposal

buy more cloth hangers to enable easy and visible display of the clothes I sell. When the displayed clothes are visible, more customers are attracted to what they see and they flock in thus I'm sure of increase in sales which means even the profit margin will soar as the demand will increase too





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 5, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

2 weeks




seattle, United States

Ask Rose a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Sep 20, 2017


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Sep 13, 2017 $1.96
Sep 20, 2017 $1.92
