Stock of used clothing to sell


Nairobi, Kenya

33% repaid




Member since

November 2014

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  20%

About Me

My names are Erick Muniha Mwashi.I am 29 years old.I come from a family of 8 children;4 boys and 4 girls.I am married to Phyllis Amakove and God has blessed us with 3 lovely boys.I went to Senende primary school and there after to Kapsotik secondary school where I sat for my KCSE examination in the year 2002 and managed to obtain a mean grade C-(MINUS).After completing my KCSE examination I opened a barber shop in the year 2003 and operated it till 2005 in Kawangware. I decided to shift to Kabiria where I reside to date.This made me to change business to clothing sales because there was a high demand of clothing sales in Kabiria.The unique thing about Kabiria is that people begin with very small business and thereafter become very prominent people in the society.My children always tells me that they want to become business people when they grow up.

My Business

When I was shifting my business from a barber shop to clothing sales I had ksh. 5000.I borrowed ksh.4000 from my brother so that I could buy a bail of mitumba clothes which costed ksh.9000 at that moment .After 1 year of clothing sales operation I had accumulated ksh.16000.I returned the ksh 4000 which I had borrowed and remained with ksh.12000.I reinvested in the business again the following year.I use the profit I get from the business to pay rent ,school fees for my children ,food and also for my daily upkeep.To date my business stock is at ksh.8500 and I highly appreciate God this far he has brought me.

Loan Proposal

I will use the loan to add my clothing stock since the demand of clothing is high during this month of December.I will really appreciate if my request is put into consideration.Thanks in advance and may God bless you in abundance.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 1, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months



Mainz, Germany


Scott Palmer

branford, United States

Ask Eric a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


