Clothing sales to help reduce unemployment

Abdul Hamid

Tamale, Ghana

4% repaid



Abdul Hamid

Member since

July 2016

On-time repayments

173 installments  •  36%

About Me

I was born in Tamale, in the northern region of Ghana in 1989, I attended both elementary and S.H.S education in Tamale
as well. I never found life easy in terms of financial issues throughout my childhood. My father was a peasant farmer growing cereals in Kumbungu in the Northern region. My mum was selling vegetables in Tamale central market. My mum helped my dad very well in managing the family. My parents earnings was very meager.

Senior High School education was in my mind and i will never forget those difficult moments. I virtually depended on friends for my survival to pursue the four (4) year Bachelor's Degree .
I lost my mum and dad before my tertiary education. I farmed maize and yam just to raise money for my tertiary education. I succeeded in raising that school fees which actually helped me a lot.

having farmed, I raised money and establish locally made sandals and clothing business. I raised US$ 700.00 and started dealing in men clothing and locally made foot wears, but today, my capital is about US$ 1000.00. For the past 3 years my livelihood depends solely on this clothing and sandals business.

Damba festival is a unique festival celebrated by the Mole Dagomba people who dwell in the northern part of Ghana.
It is an interesting festival during which drumming and dancing dominates among other things.

Since I am single, I hope that my children yet unborn will grow up to witness their father running a business empire within Tamale and its enclave.
I like watching wildlife documentary on television at home. I also play football at home during weekends as a way of exercising my body.

My Business

I have opened a boutique in Tamale.
I sell men clothing of all kinds and men footwear as well. In Tamale, not only women like fashionable clothing but men also patronize such clothing. The sandals and clothing business is quiet good in Tamale and I ventured into the Boutique business with determination and passion.
Usually, I may use US$900.00 to purchase goods. I usually impose 10% returns on all items.

A section of the returns is allocated for utility bills every month. Part for settling my workers and debts.
I have paid all monies due me to zidisha lenders. I am looking forward to lenders of this great interest free organization to see me through, thank you.

Loan Proposal

I first of all appreciate the effort of this wonderful financial organization for standing in to offer financial support to the poor society around the globe.

I am a sole business man trading in men attire including locally made footwear which is my main purpose for this loan am currently running the business with US$900.00 which actually requires even more than US$10000.00. The cost of each footwear ranges from US$9.00 to US$10.00 depending on size.
The profit on each footwear is 12% regardless of size.

This business has been benefiting not only me but also my two sales persons, it serves as employment for us, it is from this we all make some money for our upkeep even though I am trading it with men shirts, T-shirts, trousers, wristwatches, and perfumes, the footwear contribute a lot to my current financial status.
I make average monthly profit of US$90.00 on the the footwear alone, and this tells that if I invest more it will yield more profit.

Once again I thank Zidisha especially the lenders, and the entire workforce of the organization, may God bless you all.

I hope my application would be considered.
Thank you.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 19, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

26 months




Chicago, United States


United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Abdul Hamid a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


