Course creation


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  44%

About Me

Allow me to introduce myself again.My name is Floridah Angila Ashitua,a single mother of three boys, passionate about entrepreneurship,women empowerment and service to the community.My motivation to make it in life has always been the fact that I had a hard childhood, I was orphaned at a tender age had to struggle to survive.As a single mother all I want is to give my children what I never had while growing up and that's a better education and the overall provision of basic needs.I thank God that I have a talent in braiding and business has always been my passion,while in school I would braid people,save up buy second hand clothes then hawk them.Through braiding I managed to save up some funds that got me to college which I successfully completed with the help of a well-wisher who was kind enough to clear my college fees so I could focus school.

My Business

I am currently a freelance writer working remotely with a number of international companies,my typical monthly revenue is $1000,which mainly goes towards my kids up keep.Being that I work from home,all I need to enable me work is internet and electricity.My profits also go into my new project which why am on this platform,as I seek to empower fellow single mothers to become economically stable.

Loan Proposal

I haven't reached my ultimate goal,I plan to build up my credit score so I can access the amount I dearly require to create and offer this crucial entrepreneurship course,that am designing for single mothers.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 30, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Perth, Australia

Ask Floridah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


