Embroidery Business

Sandrine Dioulasso

Bobo-dioulasso, Burkina Faso

33% repaid



Sandrine Dioulasso

Member since

October 2013

On-time repayments

41 installments  •  68%

About Me

My name is Sandrine Dioulasso Dabou. I was born on April 2, 1989, in Bobo-Dioulasso. I am the youngest of 9 children. I am married and a mother of twins. My husband is a chauffeur. I live with him in the Yegueré neighborhood of Bobo-Dioulasso, the economic capital of Burkina Faso. We live close to a primary school called École Yegueré and a few steps away from a mosque. I completed my primary education up until sixth grade and obtained my CPE (Certificate of Primary Education). I decided to stop because I wanted to learn the embroidery trade.

My Business

I spent three years at a school run by nuns where I learned to sew, embroider, and cook, but my specialty was embroidery. It was difficult at first because I did not have the means to make and sell my own embroidery. But thanks to God, I was able to finish my training and buy some linen and fabric to embroider and sell at workplaces and markets. It is going well, therefore I am asking for your help so I can buy a lot of linen and fabric, embroider it, and resell it. I have already received orders from the capital, Ouadougou, but I do not have the means to complete them.

Loan Proposal

I did three years in a school of religious sisters and we were taught sewing, embroidery, cooking but my specialty was embroidering. The beginning was not easy because I did not have the means to my own embroideries for sale. But thank God I could finish my education I bought some linen and fabrics to embroider and sell services in the market and it worked. So I seek your help buying a lot of cloth and fabrics, embroider and sale. I have already received orders to send them to Ouagadougou in the capital but the means I lack.

Show original Français  

About Me

Je m’appelle DABOU Sandrine Dioulasso. Je suis née le deux Avril mille neuf cent quatre vingt neuf à Bobo-Dioulasso.Je suis la benjamine d’une famille de neuf enfants.Je suis mariée et mère de jumeaux.Mon mari est un chauffeur.Je vis à Bobo-Dioulasso dans la capital économique du Burkina-Faso avec mon mari au quartier Yeguere non loin d’une école primaire appelée Ecole Yegueré et à quelques pas de la mosquée.J’ai fait mon école primaire jusqu’au CM2 avec l’obtention du CEP mais j’ai arrêté là car je voulais apprendre un métier à savoir la Broderie.

My Business

J’ai fait trois ans dans une école des sœurs religieuse ou on nous apprenait la couture, la broderie, la cuisine mais ma spécialité était la Broderie.Le début n’a pas été facile parce que je n’avais pas les moyens pour faire mes propre broderies pour vendre.Mais grâce à Dieu j’ai pu finir ma formation je me suis acheté quelques draps et tissus pour broder et vendre dans les services et au marché et ça marche.Donc je sollicite votre aide pour acheter beaucoup de drap et tissus, les broder et revendre.j’ai déjà reçu des commandes pour les envoyer à Ouagadougou dans la capitale mais les moyens me manque.

Loan Proposal

J’ai fait trois ans dans une école des sœurs religieuse ou on nous apprenait la couture, la broderie, la cuisine mais ma spécialité était la Broderie.Le début n’a pas été facile parce que je n’avais pas les moyens pour faire mes propre broderies pour vendre.Mais grâce à Dieu j’ai pu finir ma formation je me suis acheté quelques draps et tissus pour broder et vendre dans les services et au marché et ça marche.Donc je sollicite votre aide pour acheter beaucoup de drap et tissus, les broder et revendre.j’ai déjà reçu des commandes pour les envoyer à Ouagadougou dans la capitale mais les moyens me manque.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 5, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

25 months



Candiac, Canada


Oregon, United States


Canton, New York, United States



Indianapolis, IN, USA, United States


Montreal, Canada


Rome, Italy



Bethesda, United States



Los Angeles, United States


Melbourne, Australia



nuenen, Netherlands


Utrecht, Netherlands


Charleston, United States


Sydney, Australia


Montréal, Canada



Westwood, United States



Denver, Colorado, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States


United States


United States



Humbeek, Belgium



Drammen, Norway

Yustian Hartono

Singapore, Singapore


Kent Don

United States


Ben Bellows

United States

Martin Nielsen

Aarhus, Denmark

Eugen Stamm

Zurich, Switzerland

Ask Sandrine Dioulasso a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Nov 10, 2017


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 10, 2015 $8.76 Nov 10, 2015 $8.76
Dec 10, 2015 $13.13 Nov 16, 2015 $8.76
Nov 23, 2015 $4.38
Jan 10, 2016 $4.38 Nov 23, 2015 $4.38
Feb 10, 2016 $17.51 Dec 23, 2015 $8.76
Jan 13, 2016 $3.50
Feb 1, 2016 $5.25
Mar 10, 2016 $0.00
Apr 10, 2016 $0.00
May 10, 2016 $8.76 Mar 4, 2016 $8.76
Jun 10, 2016 $8.76 Apr 6, 2016 $8.76
Jul 10, 2016 $8.76 Apr 6, 2016 $4.38
Aug 12, 2016 $4.38
Aug 10, 2016 $4.38 Aug 12, 2016 $4.38
Sep 10, 2016 $4.38 Aug 16, 2016 $4.38
Oct 10, 2016 $4.38 Aug 16, 2016 $0.18
Aug 16, 2016 $4.20
Nov 10, 2016 $0.35 Aug 16, 2016 $0.35
Dec 10, 2016 $0.00
Jan 10, 2017 $0.00
Feb 10, 2017 $17.51 Jan 17, 2017 $17.51
Mar 10, 2017 $17.51 Feb 3, 2017 $0.88
Apr 10, 2017 $17.51
May 10, 2017 $17.51
Jun 10, 2017 $17.51
Jul 10, 2017 $17.51
Aug 10, 2017 $17.51
Sep 10, 2017 $17.51
Oct 10, 2017 $17.51
Nov 10, 2017 $67.77
