Credit for nine business bost


Embu, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

November 2016

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  31%

About Me

Am Joseph Zachary born 39 years ago. I am a graduate in business administration finance from Maseno university. My family was not well up hence we had to struggle to make ends meet. I would sell avocados and bread to raise required money for learning and get shopping for my personal use. i discovered local people have never seen computers which made me start a computer training program with one computer i purchased using college loan facility and some savings i had done. This translated the training to grow to a big and known college that has a capacity of more than 200 students taking different courses.
One unique thing about culture is that people are always adventurous and would like to take new thing as they come. By this am able to tap on opportunities to train and mentor young people to be self reliant and sustainable through a program i have started called starters valley.
My daughter would like to be a neural surgeon while my son aspires to be a pilot.
My hobby is to train and make others grow in different fields by equipping them with an environment to practice what one knows best and has interest in

My Business

I am currently working on a training on business start ups and entrepreneurship. This is an area that many people have not ventured in and people have ideas but cannot be able to put these ideas into business. My work is to train individuals who have these ideas and mentor them into starting these businesses that will earn the a living for them to be self reliant and sustainable. This will create employment to very many people which in turn will grow the economy of my place and improve the living standards.
After the training which takes 4 months i have set up a hub where these skills will be practiced in different fields depending on ones interest. In here am able to tap on tenders floated by government which has given priority to youths, women and people with disability who will have gained knowledge and experience from this hub. Whatever tender we get i will help in financing and delivery from which the person doing it will get 60% and 40% goes to starters valley to fund its operations. Secondly i will set up workstations which the entrepreneurs will be leasing at affordable rates since not many are able to afford offices for there is scarcity of offices which has made it too much expensive for an ordinary person starting to grow his business. One floor which costs me Kes 65,000 rent cant accommodate 60 work stations each going for Kes 2,000 which gives me income of Kes 120,000 thus profit of Kes 55,000. net of expenses electricity Kes 3000, water Kes 3000, internet Kes 8,000 and administration Kes 16,000 i will make a net profit of Kes 25,000. On that floor i will also have a cybercafe for those who dont have personal computers which will average a daily income of Kes 1000. This totals to another Kes 30,000 +25000=55000.

Out of this i can be able to comfortably pay a loan of 20,000 monthly and reinvest in business at kes15,000 pay school fees for children and do some home developments worth kes20,000

Loan Proposal

Hi my lenders, the amount of loan you will advance to me will be used to boost my page views to potential entrepreneurs who will be reached through Facebook page advertising that will cost me Kshs 525. The reason behind this is that most young people are on social media and are most interested in learning but they have not been able to find an appropriate place where they are taught about entrepreneurship and self startups for sustainability. Once am able to reach them they will register for the 4 month business start up training where the will be equipped with knowledge on how the can do fundraising for the ideas that they will have developed.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 17, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



New York, United States

Ask Joseph a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Dec 6, 2022


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Feb 26, 2017 $0.98 Dec 6, 2022 $0.98
Mar 5, 2017 $0.98 Dec 6, 2022 $0.98
Mar 12, 2017 $0.98 Dec 6, 2022 $0.98
Mar 19, 2017 $0.98 Dec 6, 2022 $0.98
Mar 26, 2017 $0.98 Dec 6, 2022 $0.98
Apr 2, 2017 $0.25 Dec 6, 2022 $0.25
