Custom creation


Rutuba, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

August 2013

On-time repayments

91 installments  •  40%

About Me

My name is Joseph Kinyanjui,a form four and an IT certificate holder. am 26 years old living in kayole estate a long Naivasha Nairobi Highway.Am a sales man doing my own job of secondhand cloths from Gikomba at Nairobi where i buy at lower at afforderble price,I like the job because my product is of high quality and its a fast moving. Am married and my wife works in Salon. I will be much happie if this loan through coz i know that it will help me alot.

My Business

Apart from cloths i also do some photography in schools, lake shows and in town.i also do custom creation and signs. The advantage in my product is that secondhand cloths is something unique,cheap and people like. I also give them my customers door to door sales services which most prefer. The business is profitable but it has some risks,e.g, if you don't have a big stock and have a lot of debts from customers. My profit as per month is approximately ksh 8000. Through photography income i can be able to repay the loan or alternatively my wife can help me raise the amount needed in order to repay the loan. I like my job because when i go to the field there's little competition compared to other jobs.If Zidisha will help me with a loan i will be glad and at the same time i will add my stock.

Loan Proposal

When I get this loan,it will help me improve on my Custom creation project in the following ways;,buying of cloths estimated at 30 dollars,buying of digital camera and paying for business extensions at the balance of 20 dollars.Despite the fact that I still have deficit of about 40 dollars for improved andcomputer services for my business am happy that through this small loan I will be able to see some of the followings the returns the loan will create; improved digital camera that will help me get a bigger and better market since the photos are in good quality,the expected benefit is likely to shoot up especially when they are a good season which will see me making almost double the input.The returns will then help expand mybusiness by increasing the number of computer and also employ a few people.
I should supported because I can't afford single handedly to meet full financial requirements of the farm due to the increased costs of farm inputs like cloths , cameras and paying my worker this is attributed to the high standard of living in my country especially around Naivasha where I run my cloth selling photographier and graphic design.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 26, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 months



Perth, Australia

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