Member since
February 2015
On-time repayments
99 installments • 80%
My names are John Ndungu chege I was born on 24/04/1975 . I joined Ndibai primary school in the year 1982 to the year 1991 where I did my K.C.P.E examination . in the year 1992 I was admitted in MITI MINGI SECONDARY SCHOOL to the year 1995 .I did not go beyond secondary school . In the year 1997 I was employed in a construction company called KRISHAN BEHAL AND SONS COMPANY to the year 2000 and the company collapsed. I got married in 1998 until to date and am blessed with four children ,one boy and three girls all in school .After the company collapsed I started a small business of bicycle repair that sustained me and my family to the year 2007. During this tenure I managed to buy a plot in Nakuru pipeline area . The business collapsed due to 2007 post election violence. .In the year 2008 I sold my plot and acquired land In Kanjuiri where I live me and my family to date as a farmer.
Am a farmer and do farming in kanjuiri . I have three and a half acres of land and additional two dairy cows. This two dairy cows provides 20 liters of milk every day I sell 17 liters of milk at an average cost of 595ksh per day in a months it adds up to 17850ksh I use 6000ksh to feed the cows month 7850 caters for my basic needs 3000ksh goes to my savings .On my 3 acres land I cultivate with maize and 1 acre with potatoes . I use 60000ksh to cultivate the three acres of land and in return they give good produce I harvest 60 bags of maize per year and 30 bags of potatoes after every three months. I sell a bag of potatoes at an average cost of 1000ksh this adds up to 30000ksh per season which helps me to educate my children. On the other hand my 60 bags of maize that I sell at an average cost of 2000ksh per bag that’s adds up to 120000ksh per year. After expenses I save about 50000ksh per year .I have a future plan to have my own machinery that will be assisting me in farming . With your funding am confident that my dream will come true . Thank you very much.
am planning to add one extra dairy cow that cost 120,000ksh for better production, thanks to zidisha and the previous loan i will be able to raise the other remaining amount.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Nov 6, 2016
Repayment status
Projected term
4 months
Other loans
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