School fund


Jl.kramat Batu No 7 Rt03/rw04, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

30 installments  •  97%

About Me

Alhamdulillah, God really knows everything that happens with his people. after passing the full period of orders in the month of Ramadan, of course the increase in turnover that doubled until I was able to make a big profit in carrying out the business of young coconut fruit drinks and apparently it was a preparation for my next need which had to face the new school year for maintenance my parents who started to weaken physically due to the age factor Alhamdulillah all of them I can handle from the business that I live.

My Business

Back to my business, I continued to continue the business of young coconut fruit drinks to continue to meet a better future with the intention and willingness and perseverance in living this business and remain focused on what we do without having to despair and never give up.

Loan Proposal

Again I focus on the completion of my son"s school administration which is currently very much in need of him, both at school and the origin of new school that will be my child live, in relation this year is graduation, thank you.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Alhamdulillah,tuhan memang maha mengetahui dgn segala apa yg terjadi dengan umatnya .
setelah melewati masa masa penuh order di bulan Ramadhan yang tentunya penambahan omset yang berlipat ganda hingga saya bisa meraih keuntungan besar didalam menjalani bisnis minuman buah segar kelapa muda dan rupanya itu merupakan persiapan kebutuha saya selanjutnya yang mana harus menghadapi tahun ajaran baru sekolah juga untuk keperluan perawatan orang tua saya yg mulai melemah fisiknya dikarenakan faktor usia
Alhamdulillah smua sdh bisa saya atasi dari bisnis yg saya jalani.

My Business

Kembali kepada usaha yang saya geluti ,saya tetap melanjutkan bisnis minuman buah kelapa muda tuk tetap menyongsong masa depan yang lebih baik dengan niat dan kemauan serta ulet dalam menjalani usaha ini dan tetap fokus pada apa yang kita kerjakan tanpa harus putus asa dan tetap pantang menyerah .

Loan Proposal

Kembali saya fokuskan untuk penyelesaian administrasi sekolah anak saya yang memang saat ini sangat amat membutuhkan nya, baik disekolah asal maupun sekolah baru yang nanti akan anak saya jalani,sehubungan tahun ini adalah kelulusannya,terimakasih.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 19, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 weeks



Craig Newmark

United States

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