Fund gutter purchase of supplier products


Bandung, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  9%

About Me

Hallo, My name is Eska Dwi Rahadian, I am 21 years old, I used to work for 4 years at Navara Store one of online sales company (shoes) in Bandung, in the first year I placed in the section of Market Place, my job to process the online store Navara Store in Lazada, Zalora, Elevenia, etc. From start uploading product to stock update, Alhamdulillah firtst year me in that section I get a lot of knowledge about online sales in terms of promotion, product photo, SEO and so on. In the second year Alhamdulillah I was trusted to be the coordinator of the marketing department, I was given the mandate to coordinate the online marketing team, in my team there were 4 people, the photo + editing section, the upload part of the product, the Social Media section and the Market Place section, I am positioned to be the coordinator, from the subject of delivery errors, price errors, from turnover turnover, etc. Honestly in the second year I was depressed with high pressure from the company, but with continuous evaluation and teamwork Alhamdulillah all can be passed smoothly, in third year I had time to resign from the company with the aim I want to open their own business online too, but my boss gave me a message, he said "your science is not enough to go directly in the business world", for that reason I finally decided to resign in the fourth year, during which I continue to seek knowledge in the company for lunch later when I dive directly in business, Alhamdulillah my boss is not stingy person of science, he always give support to his workers for the future when out of his company not to work again in the company of people, but make your own business. In short story I finally allowed to resign from the company, this is where I started my business as an online seller, until now I only sell supplier products (not own brand), or can be called me a Dropshipper / Reseller, I sell various brand shoes in Bandung one of Navara product, my company brand used to work. My online store name is Black Erebor Store now I sell in Market Place like Lazada, Tokopedia, Elevenia,, for Social Media I only sell in Instagram only.

My Business

Why am I running this business? the following explanation of the business that I live at this time.


1. My risk of loss is small, because I only sell supplier products, I just need to market their products without having to think about the cost of production, stock of goods, etc.

2. Profit that I get from this business quite large, I take profit per product about Rp. 50,000 - Rp. 60.000, for now my online sales only run 3-5pcs per day, estimated my monthly turnover can reach Rp. 7.200.000 even more in certain month such as HARBOLNAS (National Online Shopping Day)

3. I only work in front of computer without having to do the delivery manually to the expedition services, because all my sales are sent directly by the supplier, therefore I do not need to think about the cost transportation to take the product to supplier.


1. Some Market Place like Lazada has its own rules like penalties to the Seller, for example if I can not fulfill customer orders from Lazada for 2x24hours, I will be charged a penalty of Rp . 100,000 per order.

2. Paid system from Market Place, all disbursement / payment system from Market Place new can be disbursed to the Seller after the product received by the customer, that means I must send the product first to the customer, after the product until, the new Market Place will disburse the funds to me.

3. In case of a complaint, such as a product redemption, redemption of the size, the seller shall fully bear the cost of the sender

Perhaps such a brief explanation of my business that I lived during this, I dare to take the decision to quit my previous job, because I see a huge potential in the world of online sales, especially in the Market Place, it"s just that I as a beginner need capital / fund talang to buy products first to the supplier. Perhaps the analogy is like this, when customer order actually money is definitely in my hands, it"s just Market Place rules that require me to send the product first to the customer it becomes my obstacle, because I have to spend money early to the supplier. So from my explanation, I apologize if there is a lack of words in my business submission to investors. Thank you Best regards

Loan Proposal

With the help of funds from Investors, I hope my online selling business is growing rapidly, because my obstacle in running this business is only rotated funds, if my fund rotation runs smoothly, I will be more flexible in marketing the products I sell.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me


Saya Eska dari Indonesia, saya pengusaha kecil di bidang perdagangan online, sebelum menjalankan bisnis ini, saya bekerja dibidang yang sama, selama 3 tahun saya bekerja banyak pengalaman dibidang ini yang saya pelajari, maka dari itu tahun lalu saya memutuskan untuk keluar dari perusahaan saya sebelumnya dan memulai bisnis online ini

My Business

Saya menjual berbagai macam produk sepatu original lokal dari Indonesia, untuk saat ini saya belum memiliki brand saya sendiri, saya hanya menjualkan produk dari supplier (dropshiper), sumber penjualan saya 90% dari e-commerce seperti : Lazada, Tokopedia, dan shopee, untuk melihat toko online saya

untuk saat ini saya membutuhkan modal dana talang kepada Supplier, karena sistem penjualan di e-commerce seller harus mengirimkan terlebih dahulu produk kepada konsumen, jika konsumen sudah menerima Produk, uang baru dicairkan kepada seller. Maka dari itu saya berharap para investor bisa membantu saya untuk meminjamkan dana talang.


Salam Hangat

Loan Proposal

Dengan bantuan dana dari Investor, saya berharap bisnis jual online saya berkembang pesat, karena hambatan saya dalam menjalani bisnis ini hanya diperputaran dana, jika perputaran dana saya berjalan lancar, saya akan lebih leluasa dalam memasarkan produk yang saya jual.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 26, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks


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