Member since
May 2013
On-time repayments
28 installments • 18%
my name is James Gitundu Njuguna and a resident of Lanet Estate of Nakuru town that is five kilometres from the town centre. l am a businessman and do have a Malimali shop in town where l sell all assorted china married with two children who are both in primary school here in nakuru town.After completing my secondary education l was not able to join college due to lack of school fees. This made me to look fora job in town where l was employed as a sale person by my neighbour who had a malimali shop.But after working for three years and with the little capital l had l started my own business that l manage up to date.luse the income from the business to provide for my family as well as re invest back to the business.
malimali business is very profitable if well managed.l deal with all sort of plastics,clothes especially for young ones, umbrellas, shoes just to mention a few.l buy my stock from the wholesalers in Nairobi and retail them at a profit margin of 20%. this enables me to have a high sales turnover hence having more profit. on average am able to make a net profit of ks 25,000 per month after deducting expenses such as rent and transport cost.Though there is lot of competition here in Nakuru l do exercise customer care so as to attract and retain customers.also l do sell on discount so as to make sales.if given the loan l will add more stock to the business so as to increase the sales.
dear lenders and zidisha team as a whole. am very thankful to join zidisha.with this first loan am going to add more stock in my business so that i can serve more going to buy cooking utensils and also children wear the business is doing so well. this is the reason that i cant wait for 24 months to make my repayments. i will make my repayments in four months very greatful
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 13, 2013
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
12 months
Other loans
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