Tetteh Kwao
Prampram, Ghana
100% repaid
Tetteh Kwao
Member since
April 2016
On-time repayments
112 installments • 98%
I am a fifty-nine year old fisherman who was born in Prampram, a small fishing community in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. I was borth to Mr. Osayo Nartey (a fisherman) and Madam Mary (a trader). I am the second born among eight siblings. I grew up in the neighboring country of Togo due to the nature of my father's business. I joined my father in the fishing trade after I completed my elementary school education. I later took over from him after he retired due to old age.
I am a fisherman and a proud owner of a fishing canoe. Aside the occasional lean season when the fishes become scarce, the fishing business is very lucrative. I have succeeded in maintaining and running the business since taking over from my business. The business comes with several challenges such as shortage of fuel and occurrence of heavy storm on the sea. Aside that, it is a profitable business.
The loan will be used to continue with the deposit for outboard motor for fishing business.
The price for the said motor is $2000 but currently am able to deposit $900 from the remaining $2000.
The money used to deposit really came from savings I made from fish sales and the loan secured from you lender's.
Hope with this third loan I will be able to beef up the amount am with the machine seller.
Thank you
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jul 10, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
4 months
Other loans
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