Kirigiti, Kenya
100% repaid
Member since
April 2014
On-time repayments
113 installments • 36%
Judy chege is a young kenyan lady who is ambitious ,humble and go getter who tries to exploit every opportunity that comes her way and above all sees God as her Hero and puts ever trust in Him.
am first born in a family of four a position that equips me fully with responsibility,self reliance and action taker so as to set a good example to a my younger siblings and other youths in my community and the society at large.
Being born and raised in a humble christian background makes respect a core value in dealing with each and every person from all walks of life.
Mine is a young business i started in January this year in kirigiti,kiambu county in central kenya.
It entails getting clothes i.e official wear,kids and casual wear and resseling them
Clothing being one of the basic needs makes it a viable niche that will always have a receptive market.
Amidst stiff competition clients prefer my clothes because of quality, affordability and more so i make sure each clients order is delivered on time.the business is profitable because i deal with non-perishable goods and there is nothing to loose through sales delay in low seasons.
I need zidisha to loan to help me exp[and my business in getting more stock to meet the outgrowing from clients
Am optimistic of your funding and give my assurance in repaying my loan on agreed time
Thanks zidisha and God bless
To prospective lenders i first take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to be part of zidisha.
I intend to use the loan from zidisha to increase the stock for my clothing shop because the more the stock the cheaper the buying price and it also reduces on transport cost and increases selling time.I will also stock a variety of warm clothing like jackets as cold season is hear with us especially for the kids which are more susceptible to illnesses during cold seasons
I also plan on employing one person on part time basis to deliver client basis to avoid closing the shop when number of orders are high.
I approximate this to cost me about $230 which at the moment my savings can not fully cater i reason why i require zidisha help .
Am optimistic of your funding and i promise to pay my loan on agreed basis.Once again thanks zidisha God bless
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
May 10, 2014
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
15 months
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