Eport farm farm project


Narok, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2018

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  75%

About Me

Hi good people,

Hope you are well.I am GIDEON MAIYO, a 32 year old kenyan born in a remote part of Baringo county,Kenya.My younger siblings (I am the first born) and I grew up in rural Baringo with caring parents.Mum was a housewife and did subsistence farming while dad worked as workshop assistant in a high school till the year 2004.He was retrenched.

My parents put a lot of value in education and struggled and strained to see us through school.So through their hard work and government bursaries, I graduated in 2012 with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

I worked on a 2 month contract with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics in 2012.It was difficult securing employment after but luckily in 2013 my uncle who had a distribution business in Narok county offered me work as an accounts clerk in his business.I took it up despite the pay being low since that is what I could get then.I have worked there since and being on the lookout for better opportunities.

With this job though I have assisted my parents educate my siblings and save a bit.The savings enabled me in 2016 purchase a 8M×30M greenhouse tunnel at a cost of approx.$3,500 to farm in.The idea to farm and sell tomatoes to supplement my earnings since I could not get a better paying job.

So I farmed successfully but I had overlooked the marketing aspect of the business so didn't do well.
I stopped farming tomatoes and found that I could grow herbs in the greenhouse and export to Europe as some farmers here in Kenya do.

I have since researched and consulted herb farmers and export companies.For my ambitions to come true and profitable, I'll need at least one more greenhouse tunnel and sufficient funds for inputs, labor and transport to the airport in Nairobi.I have not been able to save much since then as I have been supporting two of my siblings through university.

I got to know about this platform(ZIDISHA) from facebook.
I am here hoping that my dream to one day be a herbs export farmer will be a reality.

My Business

My business is farming.I produced and sold tomatoes in a greenhouse in the year 2016/2017 season in Narok county.Production was very successful but had challenges marketing since most open-field farmers were harvesting.
So it was a strategic mistake on my side since I could have timed my harvesting to coincide with low supply season.

I decided not farm tomatoes anymore since I couldn't guarantee a return after production.With my 8M×30M greenhouse tunnel I hope to add at least one more tunnel to enable me farm and export herbs profitably through export companies here in Kenya.I will only begin producing herbs(like basil and chives) when I have a out-grower contract with an established exporter.

I have visited a couple of farms that produce and export these herbs and learnt a great deal of the certification process of an export farm,the production itself and the strict proper handling of herbs.I also have a good idea of costs involved.

So the farm,where the greenhouse is in Narok county and is situated along a permanent water source.
I have done soil and tests at Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services L.t.d, Kenya and will act on the recommendations when the production time comes.But the soil and water is suitable.

So the plan now is to source for funds,add at least one more greenhouse tunnel,get the G.A.P.P certification,get an out-grower contract signed, produce and sell through the export company.

We have sufficient affordable labor around and also qualified
experienced agronomists to ensure production is a success.The farm is located not more than 100 meters from a tarmacked road to Nairobi.

Loan Proposal

I intend to one day establish a herb export farm in Kenya.So my mission now is to research enough on this,source for funds even through some trading and through this platform.

This business interest me since I am passionate about farming and it will provide much needed employment to especially vulnerable women and youth in my community.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 14, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Melbourne, Australia

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