Expanding my bus route


Nairobi, Kenya


$55 to go

27% funded of $75 goal


days left




Member since

August 2014

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  92%

About Me

My Name is David Shilaho I am a teacher by profession. I was born in Western part of Kenya but I grew up in the slums of Nairobi. I have struggled with what life has offered me since child hood to see me where I am now. I went to school in NorthHighridge primary school, then later went to Mukumu boys High school and finaly did my diploma in education inthe Kenya Methodist University and later I did my degree in the same University. I have been teaching in a small private school for the last six years until they terminated my contract, even so the pay was very little and I was still struggling to make ends meet. and that's why I had to do some online freelancing to make ends meet. It was a big struggle. It was through these platforms that I met a brother who helped me to start this busines.
I was helped by a brother that i have come to know as my own blood brother to start this business.
One thing that I can say is unique in our land is our rich cultural practices and our food. We also love our lands very much and we value them highly.
My child is still too young to know what he wants when he grows up but I want him to be what he wishes to be . he is only two years old.
My past time hobbies is reading making new friends and taking care of nature.
I want to ask for a loan to get my shoe business going. I am stuck because of capital and the marketing cost.
Kindly grant me that opportunity and I would be very grateful to you people

My Business

We have partnered with my brother and we have a motorbike that we use to ferry peole and goods at a small fees. We intend to grow and have more motorbike on the Kenyan roads This will ensure that we create employment for the youth who are under a big unemployment bracket.
I also want to take care of my mum who is a widow and old and also my wife and child.
I want to be the hope that my community and family have lacked for a long time. With your help I know I can achieve all these. Thanks

Project Proposal

I have a transport van that plies one route as a public service vehicle.
I feel like there's alot of potential if am permeted to expand my routes to cater for more customers.
This expansion on the routes needs that I pay 15000 to the Sacco that I work with as a requirement within the Kenyan transport system.
I don't have this money. That's why am appealing to members to support me to raise the amount.






Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested




Nairobi, Kenya

Ask David a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • David    Jun 6, 2023

    Hello, I would like to thank those that supported me in my initial project. It enabled me run my business without a hitch.
    I wish to request for further support to enable me make strides ahead.

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  • Mercy    Aug 31, 2015

    Hello Lenders,

    I have talked to David and he have promise to settle the funds by the end of this week.


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    • David    Sep 3, 2015

      Hi Mercy can you kindly remove the message you posted as I have cleared the last installment. thanks.

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  • Mercy    Aug 19, 2015

    Hi Lenders,

    David has promised to make payment for the balance.


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  • David    Apr 21, 2015

    Hi lenders
    am so grateful for the loan that you gave me I used the money to insure my motorbike and now I am working without the hindrance of having to be arrested for lack of insurance thanks.

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  • David    Apr 15, 2015

    thank you so much for the loan. the money will help me pay the insurance for the motor bike thus enabling me to do business. thanks

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