Expanding of my recording studio


Berekum, Ghana


$174 to go

0% funded of $174 goal


days left




Member since

November 2016

On-time repayments

99 installments  •  91%

About Me

I had an avrage life style as a child. I schooled from primary to JSs 2 and traviled to uk and and studied science, maths and rsa stage 1 in ict at Tresham Institute. Art and design Northampton collage all in midlands northamptonshire uk ect. When ever i come acros any hardship i pray and leave it to the lord YHWH in his own time i overcome them. I am a sound engineer with a studio. I wanted a second Job and afriend help me to lean fashion. I dream when am alone. At the moment, the fashion center is coming up. May the lord bless u all. How will i be in ten years.

My Business

I have a recoding studio and a fashion center. We make music and record and record and edit sound. We also make bags and footwear. Right now my bussiness cost over ghc100,000. At the moment i reinverst, By so doing the business is progressing. Thanks to u, the loans u have been given me has help alot.

Loan Proposal

The world is changing, so is technology. People want visual things more than the things they hear. People want to see things like videos and photos. So I want to expand my studio to a multimedia recording studio. To record both audio and video, stream live video to the social media like Facebook, Instagram, u tube and many more. That is my dream and my further. So I will start with this loan. To derculate and make the studio look attractive to viewers. So pls help me make my dream come true. My God bless you.





  • Thereze Ovid    Apr 5, 2017

    Thanks so much for your repayment :) I wish you all the best in your business and glad you were able to complete the floor in your workshop.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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