Expansion of my poultry business

Desmond Jeff Oduor

Eldoret, Kenya


$137 to go

7% funded of $147 goal


days left



Desmond Jeff Oduor

Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

122 installments  •  43%

About Me

my name is desmond jeff oduor oloo,am a student at egerton university pursuing bachelor of acturial science in my second year,i stay in eldoret at betafarm which is situated 8km from town along eldoret-iten road,a 100m distance off the betafarm.road next to the ainabtich primary school,sandwhiched between faith toto academy and shops . i had difficulty to raise my tution fee until recently i was informed of zidisha organization which is a cheap and quick microlending organization ready to help everybody in loans.i am a former student of the well known maranda high school who sat for his kcse examination in 2013 and managed to secure A,in my overal results.I thank God for granting me this information about zidisha organization whereby i became a beneficiary and managed to secure my university education and graduarted with good grades and honors and managed to venture to self employment where i rare indigenous poultry.thank you zidisha team.

My Business

my name is Oloo Desmond Jeff,i reside in a town of Eldoret in Kenya,as a beneficiary of zidisha in my campus education i managed to finish my campus education and ventured into self employment where i keep and rare indigenous birds;i rare indigenous poultry birds that i dispose them to the market during the holidays and festival seasons.i rare both broilers and layers which in turn i sell poultry for meat and also i do also sell eggs.At the price of a 100kes i buy a day old chicks,then i put them in a 4month feeding program for the broilers then i dispose them to the market as white meat,while the layers i put them in 3month feeding program then i merge them with the cock so that they mate after which i isolate them as they start laying eggs whereby the half laid eggs i sell to the market while the remaining i take them to the incubator where it is stored until it hatch,

Loan Proposal

by this loan application of 14928kes,i will use this money to do my restocking of indigenous birds in my poultry farm,so that i raise a new stock that i will supply to the next market opening.the loan breakdown is as follows 8000kes is for restocking by purchasing of a day old chick @80,,then 4000kes is for improvement of poultry structure and feeding containers,,,the remaining 2500kes will be used for vaccination and treatment,i hereby do believe that you will take consideration of my project,thank you zidisha team in advance





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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