Member since
February 2018
On-time repayments
15 installments • 33%
My name is Patrick Karinga Ngumi. Am a first in family of 5 oter siblings. When growing up i thought yellow maize was maize and a mixer of eggs. I realized at a latter part in life that it was relief food. when a joined a tertiary institute, i vowed that oneday i will do irrigation farming in our home area to help combat drought and poverty.
I started horticulture farming one year ago. Majoring more on tomato,Capsicum and courgette. They are first growing crops, with high demand and readily available markets. The reason i choose agribusiness is due to the availabity of a permanent source of water. Currently he demand for horticulture products is high due the dry season being experienced here in Kenya. My target market is the general populace and plan to cast the net wide to put on board institutions and supermarkets.
Mainly the revenue that i get is ploughed back into the farm as i plan to expand the size of the land and build apermanent watr reservoir in form of a dam.
The amount will be used to dig a water reservoir reservor in form of a dam and by a damliner and piping the farm. This will be a boost as it will cut the cost of pumping water when irrrigate as water from the dam will flow though gravity. This will cost around 15Kes. This will improve production by almost 40% and cutlabour by almost 50%.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 14, 2018
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 weeks
Other loans
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