Member since
December 2020
On-time repayments
4 installments • 25%
I'm owolabi busayo, self employed am into Hair shampoo and conditioner making etc I have my brand (Best enterprises)
My Business: industrial chemical production:Hair shampoo,conditioner, liquid soap, bleach,air freshener,izal etc
The loan I got came in at the right time cause i used it to invest in my bussiness,I'm self employed,I deals with shampoo making,Hypo,Conditionerfor your hair,Hair creams etc I have my brand and customers are really patronizing me,I run out of stocks for most of my products so I used it to purchase the ingredients i will use to make my next products...And it really helpful in the sense that i was enable to get the ingredients i needed at time...I used the loan strictly for my business.
I'm self employed,I'm the owner of my business...I make daily sales and as well i have my monthly income that is coming in for me....With that i will be enable to pay easily without no difficulties
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jan 27, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
2 weeks
Other loans
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