Gas cylinders and m pesa shop


Busia, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

106 installments  •  55%

About Me

My name is Collins Ochieng. Ochieng is a male name that originates from the shores of Lake Victoria. I was born in western region of Kenya in Busia county. Iwas raised by single mother who only sell dagaa(omena) to make end meet.
I am the first born in the family of five.In our village(Nyambula)learning wasn't a common practice. Despite that my hard working mother was very keen to make us attend our school. I excelled well in the national examination despite the challenges that were soo many in the village.
After one year I was selected to join high school.Life was very difficult here since the school fees and upkeep money was high for my unemployed mother.After all these i realized that when icome up with idea of poultry farming i will make it.On my very fast holiday I bought two hens with one cork.I left them for my mother who was to ensure they are well taken care of.
I raised my schoolfees through selling of the chicken together with the profit that mum had saved.
I am someone of positive mind and able to execute hard task with minimum supervision. I was requested to join football school team after doing well in interclasses competition.
I helped my team achieve many trophies and was name the western giants.I finally done my exam and attained grade A minus that enabled me to join Meru university .Iam currently studying bachelor of economics .It is my third year .I benefit from Zidisha organization and I believe because of my excellent payment record my lenders would be willing to lend me again.Thank you.

My Business

My entrepreneurial skills has helped me a lot.Besides having poultry at home I also sell mitumba shoes and clothes to students in school.My revenue doesn't go below KES 400 in a day.I fetch the mitumba shoes at Gikomba market in Nairobi at KES 150 per pair and sell it at KES 550. Making a profit of KES 400 only in one pair. I attributes every success in my efforts. Currently a friend of mine introduced me to freelancing business that I want to practice it. I therefore need to buy alaptop that will cost me KES 35000 .I have saved upto 20000KES and i appeal to my family Zidisha to lend me the remaining amount so that my dream can come true.I am progressing well with Zidisha Currently i own 10 gas cylinders which is estimated to be USD 300 i have also rise to become a volunteer mentor with 100% payment record Longlive zidisha

Loan Proposal

I plan to purchase gas cylinders and m pesa shop.I am located closely to university students and being one of them am sure of ready market.Ten gas cylinder will cost me around 300USD and an m pesa line will cost 150USD.
The advantage of this is that there is sufficient market since my service will be on demand.I expect to make double profit from the fund.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 10, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States

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