
Koudougou, Burkina Faso

30% repaid




Member since

March 2013

On-time repayments

30 installments  •  13%

About Me

My family lives at Ougadougou and I live in Koudougou because of my work. It is thanks to my work that I can operate my small business of 2-gear engines. I had to throw myself in as my monthly income does not cover my own expenses and some of my family which often encounters large difficulties. I started this trade activity a long time ago and I see it is cost effective because I can pay the rent of the house, the person I hired to handle the sale and a surplus so that I could meet some of my living expenses and also send to my family for some school fees for my children and the illness of some family members. Currently I desire to expand my place of business but I have a lack of funds.

My Business

My buisness is selling separate pieces, that is, replacement parts for 2-gear engines. I buy merchandise in bulk downtown and until I sell them I keep a record of the stock of each type of piece. The person whom I hired sells things and does my bookkeeping. In this book he writes down everything that he sells and figures out which pieces are bought most by customers and which will make the most profit. Actually I believe the biggest risk is that I have not yet hired a person to guard the place at night. For the moment, each month I pay 15000 FCFA to the person I hired to sell things, and 7500 FCFA for the rent. In a little while, I will add electricity bills because I intend to install lights and hire a night watchman . Customers come to me because there is not another place selling this kind in the surrounding area and also what they buy will be installed on their vehicle and there's a repair mechanic just next to my company who cares . The reasons that led me to start this kind of business is that I first noticed that the number of motorcycle is increasing day by day because every inhabitant of the city wants to provide power for move freely at any time to get to any place of his choice and the movement of these devices leads necessarily wears down parts and they need to be replaced and then the trade will generate profits that will among others to pay the seller in reduced unemployment, state taxes, etc.

Loan Proposal

Thanks to the Zidisha loan I am going to better my business by diversifying my products. I will put in place products which people here desire in sufficient quantities. I also want to have a stock of the products that I never know when I will need, but which irritate my customers if I don't have them. Thanks to the Zidisha loan, I can count on putting a system in place and I am convinced that it will go well.

Show original Français  

About Me

Ma famille est à Ouagadougou et moi je suis à koudougou à cause de mon travail.C'est grâce à ce travail que j'ai pu demarer mon petit commerce de pièces détachées des engins à 2 roues.J'ai eu à me lancer dedans car mon revenu mensuel ne couvre pas mes dépenses propres et certaines de ma famille qui est souvent dans des grandes difficultés.J'ai commencé cet activité de commerce il y'a longtemps et je constate qu'elle est rentable car j'arrive à payer la location de la maison de vente, la personne que j'ai engagé pour s'occuper de la vente et un surplus pour que je puisse subvenir à certaines de mes dépenses vitales et aussi envoyer à ma famille pour quelques frais de scolarité de mes enfants et les cas de maladies des membres de la familles.Présentement j'ai le désir d'agrandir mon lieu de commerce mais j'ai un manque de fonds.

My Business

L'entreprise fonctionne sur la vente des pièces détachées c'est à dire les pièces de remplacement des engins à 2 roues.Je me charge de l'approvisionnement des marchandises de chez les revendeurs grossistes(centre ville) jusqu'à mon lieu de vente et du contrôle journalier du stock de chaque catégorie de pièces.La personne que j'ai engagée s'occupe de la vente et remplie à chaque fois le cahier de vente.Dans ce cahier il mentionne tout ce qu'il a vendu dans la journée avec les prix et moi j'enregistre tout en fin de journée dans mon ordinateur.Ce qui me permet de faire des analyses pour savoir quelle marchandise est le plus payé par les clients et laquelle me fait gagner plus de bénéfice.Actuellement je crains seulement le risque de cambriolage car je n’ai pas encore engagé une personne pour s’occuper du gardiennage la nuit. Pour le moment, chaque mois je paie 15000F CFA à la personne que j’ai engagée pour la vente et 7500F CFA pour la location de la maison de vente. Dans peu de temps ,s’ajouteront les factures d’électricité car je compte faire venir le courant pour l’éclairage et la paix du gardien de nuit. Les clients viennent payer avec moi car il n’y a pas un autre endroit de vente de ce genre dans les environnants et aussi tout ce qu’ils payent sera monté sur leur engin et il y’a un réparateur mécanicien tout juste à coté de mon entreprise qui s’en occupe. Les raisons qui m’ont poussé à me lancer dans ce genre de commerce sont que j’ai d’abord remarqué que le nombre de moto s’augmente de jour en jour parce que chaque habitant de la ville veut s’en procurer pour pouvoir se déplacer librement à tout moment, pour se rendre à n’importe quel endroit de son choix et la circulation de ces engins entraine forcement l’usure des pièces et celles-ci doivent être nécessairement remplacées et enfin ce commerce va engendrer des bénéfices qui serviront entre autres pour la paie du vendeur d’où la diminution du chômage, les taxes de l’Etat..

Loan Proposal






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 2, 2013

Repayment status


Projected term

30 months




Los Angeles, United States



Zurich, Switzerland

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  • Weindate Sylvain    Nov 18, 2014

    Bonjour. Je vous remercie pour l'opportunité de donner des nouvelles de NABI Ouinégouda. Je suis rentré en contact avec monsieur NABI Ouinégouda. Lui, il avait subit une intervention chirurgicale et est resté inactif pendant plusieurs mois. Il promet se mettre à jours ou modifier son calendrier de remboursement. . Tel son les nouvelles sur monsieur NABI Ouinégouda.

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  • Ouinegouda    Sep 13, 2013

    Hi I am writing this to ask you a new monthly payment and a new frequency for the full repayment of my loan . However I realize the big delay I encountered a situation that really spoiled and reduced my credit limit. I have good situational awareness and I really want to update me to restore my shield and especially increase my credibility. Quite frankly , I am really apologize for this situation and I would like to ask you to understand me and to reconsider the confidence you had in me since my entry into the Zidisha family. In fact I had small problems with my activities. Some of my employees have not made repayments that I gave. One of my employees comes even more work and I did not know I was late for all this time . However I realize the big delay I accused a situation that really spoiled and reduced my credit limit. I have good situational awareness and I really want to update me to restore my shield and especially increase my credibility. Quite frankly , I am really apologize for this situation and I would like to ask you to understand me and to reconsider the confidence you had in me since my entry into the family Zidisha . I am motivated and I sincerely hope you understand me . This will allow me to be released from some pressure and be able to resume my payments without too much pressure and especially ensure the same pace of work if not more so. My goal to continue to grow with the Zidisha family. The credibility of a person rests on his actions. These are my actions that are allowed to see my credit limit reduced and I will work to ensure that it is my actions that re-gilds my shield and my credibility for a good launch and participation in Zidisha service. Again for this opportunity and long live Zidisha .

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  • Ouinegouda    Sep 13, 2013

    Hi I am writing this to ask you a new monthly payment and a new frequency for the full repayment of my loan . However I realize the big delay I encountered a situation that really spoiled and reduced my credit limit. I have good situational awareness and I really want to update me to restore my shield and especially increase my credibility. Quite frankly , I am really apologize for this situation and I would like to ask you to understand me and to reconsider the confidence you had in me since my entry into the Zidisha family. In fact I had small problems with my activities. Some of my employees have not made repayments that I gave. One of my employees comes even more work and I did not know I was late for all this time . However I realize the big delay I accused a situation that really spoiled and reduced my credit limit. I have good situational awareness and I really want to update me to restore my shield and especially increase my credibility. Quite frankly , I am really apologize for this situation and I would like to ask you to understand me and to reconsider the confidence you had in me since my entry into the family Zidisha . I am motivated and I sincerely hope you understand me . This will allow me to be released from some pressure and be able to resume my payments without too much pressure and especially ensure the same pace of work if not more so. My goal to continue to grow with the Zidisha family. The credibility of a person rests on his actions. These are my actions that are allowed to see my credit limit reduced and I will work to ensure that it is my actions that re-gilds my shield and my credibility for a good launch and participation in Zidisha service. Again for this opportunity and long live Zidisha .

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