Member since
September 2022
On-time repayments
32 installments • 56%
Am Josephine Akoth Kenyan citizen, from Kisumu county nyakach Sub county in a village called Nyadero.
I was born in family of 3, one brother and a sister, my dad and mum have died and my sister. We are remaining with my brother.
Am married with four kids.
Am a form 4 school leaver.
Putting food on the table has been a big problem, that's why I decided to start a small business to help me meet my daily need.
The business is really a small one, where am selling grains, and offering mpesa servises.
I started with 5000ks which was given by friends after my mums death.
Today it has grown and my account has 50000Kshs.
10000ksh I use to buy grains then the remaining 40000kshs for running mpesa.
At times the money goes to float, sue to the fact that I have many customers with less amount of money.
I will buy more stock for my groceries and the remaining amount will add float in my mpesa account.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 14, 2022
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