Member since
March 2021
On-time repayments
4 installments • 75%
My name's are Clifford hamangombe I was born in a family of 3 and I am the first born, I always wanted to become a business man since my child hood, my uncle had a shop at my age that's were I started having interest of becoming a business man in future.
I run a shop mixt with hair dresser and Baber shop along matero chunga road. I have run out of stock which is making to start losing my customers, with the help of zidisha how buy goods for my shop.
Thanks zidisha leaders for the loan I received , it helped a lot and it has contributed to my business, when I get this loan from zidisha I want to buy wings (hair) for my shop on this long weekend many of my customers were asking about many types of wings(hair), which I don't have in my shop so when I get the loan how buy more wings(hair)for my shop.
Such challenges do happen, as for me I don't depend on my salon only I also goes for work, my wife she's the one who works from the salon so when such happen to me I can use money from my salary to support the loan.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Apr 15, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
1 week
Other loans
Ask Clifford a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.
Margaret May 2, 2021