
Mtwapa, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $100 goal


days left




Member since

December 2012

On-time repayments

12 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is Alfred Kashuru, a resident of mtwapa and a businessman in mtwapa as well. Am married and a father of three children, my first child is seven years old, a boy and he is in class one here in in mtwapa, the second is four years old, a girl and she is in kG 1. And the third one is only four months old I live with all my family here in mtwapa. I did not finish my high school due to lack of finance in my family, and for this reason i had to look for a job. I was employed at a water distribution depot where i worked for five years. During this time of working here my salary was too low that i could not meet my family needs. At this time i thought of having my own business. After leaving this job i started the water distribution business as i had aquired customers from my previous job. This business did so well and i now have more customers. With the income i get from this business i buy food for my family., pay rent and other family requirements.

My Business

My business is selling of fresh water, and i do this business here in mtwapa. This business is doing well here because of the shortage of this service in this area. Because of the high population in mtwapa this service is in high demand.In mtwapa we dont have fresh water pipes around the area and this gives a good chance for me to succesfuly do this business. Its a good business and i get an income of ksh 20,000 per month. Risks in this business is like, when it rains the demand of this product becomes low because people get water from the rain water.With what i get from this business s revenue i use ksh 2,000 paying rent,ksh 5,000 buying food for my family, ans ksh 1,000 paying school fees.So i save ksh 12,000 monthly. With this amount i can use to repay my zidisha loan if granted.

Loan Proposal

Hello, am so happy that my loan application has been activated. My thanks to the entire zidisha team for the hard work towards my loan application. With this loan i want to make sure i utilise the money by investing it in my business.So i will buy more stock of water and add to the existing stock that i already have. With this i will have boosted the business and i expect more income that will anable me to repay the loan in good time.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 25, 2013

Repayment status


Projected term

12 months




berlin, Germany


Falun, Sweden



angouleme, France


Falun, Sweden

Ask Alfred a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Apr 30, 2014


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
May 30, 2013 $8.93
Jun 30, 2013 $8.93
Jul 30, 2013 $8.93
Aug 30, 2013 $8.93
Sep 30, 2013 $8.93
Oct 30, 2013 $8.93
Nov 29, 2013 $8.93
Dec 29, 2013 $8.93
Jan 29, 2014 $8.93
Mar 1, 2014 $8.93
Mar 30, 2014 $8.93
Apr 30, 2014 $8.93
