
Mtwapa, Kenya


$0 to go

100% funded of $591 goal


days left




Member since

February 2013

On-time repayments

7 installments  •  100%

About Me

A m sellina Kabuka a resident of mtwapa and a businesswoman here in mtwapa.Am married and blessed wih four children. I live in my own house with my family.My first child is a girl aged twelve years old and in class five, he second is a girl too aged ten and in class three a nd the third is i boy aged six years old and i class one and the last is a boy aged three years old. I started doing business as the only way of earning a living.With the income i get from this business i buy food for my family and pay school fees for my children. I have a local restaurant situated in mtomondoni primary school. Its a good and profitable business despite i only serve breakfast and lunch to the teachers and the students at the school.

My Business

My business is a restaurant that is situated near the school of mtomondoni primary. Business is doing good here as i have ready and reliable customers. My cusomers being the school teachers and also the students in this school. The school has very many students and i have many customers which others come from the neighborhood,Although its a good business i have risks too like when it rains the business becomes very hard to operate because i dont have a permanent structure and there is no good shelter when ut rains. In a month i get an income of ksh 20,000. From my income i use ksh 3,000 for my family food, ksh 4,000 paying school fees, and i spare ksh 2,000 for emergencies and other small family needs. so i save ksh 11,000 per month which i can use to repay my zidisha loan.

Loan Proposal

Hello, am so happy to find that i have been allowed to post yet another loan application for the third loan! Many thanks to my lenders and the entire zidisha team for trusting me with your money. God bless you all.With this loan i will add more stock as well as expand the business by establishing another joint. With the expansion i will have added more value to the business and i expect more income that will enable a good and quick loan repayment of my loan. Thank you so much for your continued help.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • ErikN    Dec 5, 2013

    HI Sellina, I'd be happy to lend if I would understand how you plan to invest the money. What are the costs and the expected income?


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  • Sellina    Dec 4, 2013

    Hello to all my dear lenders, am so happy to work with you! with your continued assistance i believe i can achieve my goals. Today i have posted my third loan application, and am looking forward to see your continued help and as always i will work hard to ensure that i do not fail you. Thank you so much for helping me and my business.

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  • Sellina    Sep 1, 2013

    Hello, zidisha, am so happy that this loan really helped me so much to an extent that my business is doing so well now. I stocked my business well and my customers are very happy with the services that i provide. I now have more customers that i ever had before. i wanted to ask for a request, can i pay back the whole amount in one installment now because i have enough to clear the entire amount now. If so then i will be more happy as i will be able to get to the next loan level.Thank you zidisha for making my dreams come true. God bless you all and my lenders.

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  • Sellina    Sep 1, 2013

    Hello, zidisha, am so happy that this loan really helped me so much to an extent that my business is doing so well now. I stocked my business well and my customers are very happy with the services that i provide. I now have more customers that i ever had before. i wanted to ask for a request, can i pay back the whole amount in one installment now because i have enough to clear the entire amount now. If so then i will be more happy as i will be able to get to the next loan level.Thank you zidisha for making my dreams come true. God bless you all and my lenders.

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