Kericho, Kenya
100% repaid
Member since
October 2015
On-time repayments
239 installments • 84%
I am a middle aged Kenyan born and bred in Kericho County, Kenya. I grew up in a humble family of 7 siblings where I am the third born. Since my early days in elementary school, I did work hard as my parents struggled to educate me through high school. Luckily, I got the opportunity of joining university and undertook a course in Computer Science. However, since graduating I struggled in getting employment due to high unemployment levels in the country. Nevertheless, I didn't give and decided to venture into freelance writing, research and technical consulting. This has enabled me to earn some income over the years and with better planning, I believe I can tap more online opportunities and grow it into a venture that can employ more young people. I have tried several ventures and some are successful and progressing on well.
My business basically entails working online on various projects such as freelance academic writing, website creation, online research and recently I have ventured into Forex trading. I would like to expand my involvement in Forex trading by learning more from experienced traders and other expert traders in the Forex market. Unlike academic writing, the Forex market operates 24/7 from Monday through Friday all year round. Therefore, I would like to become a day trader and earn on a daily basis. Recently, I have had an opportunity to open a small retail shop in partnership with someone else, as a result, I am able to supplement my income when online jobs become scarce or the times are tough. In addition to the these ventures, I would also like to invest in seasonal crop farming since its returns are good whilst it requires minimal investment. I would like to borrow a loan to ensure I can be able to increase revenues in these ventures.
I plan to the invest the $ 3, 200 loan as follows:
a) $ 1000 will go into my retail business.
b) Another $1000 shall be invested in my online venntures (Forex trading, Academic writing and congigencies i.e. Internet costs)
c) I plan to invest around $400 in crop farming and agriculture ventures
d) The remaining $ 800 will be used as savings and emergency funds for loan repayment.
Through my online freelancing business; I was able to get to know and understand other opportunities in the online field. I have been introduced to Forex trading which is 24/7 business operation with a lots of opportunities to earn decent and regular income. As a result, I would like your support to start trading and hoping to understand and trade the market with ease. The breakdown of costs are;
a) $ 500 as trading capital
b) $ 200 as operating costs (Self Funded);
I expect to earn at least 10% of invested funds per month and thus I shall be able to pay off the loan within the stipulated periods.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Aug 8, 2016
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
3 months
Other loans
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Stephan W May 8, 2017