Member since
June 2016
On-time repayments
72 installments • 50%
my name is namute maya 35 years old.i live in choma.i was born in a family of four.two boys and two girls.My father was named paul and my mother maragret.we didnt have much growing up but we were such a happy father was a very hard working man.he was a business man.he passed away in 2011 in october at 63 years mother is also a very hard working woman.through buiness,my parents managed to send us to school.when i finished college in 2004,i started a small business of selling ladies pants and some small items like toothpaste,lotions and soap.these items helped me raise money to support my younger sister in college.i have a daugter.she is 10 years old.i was pursuing my degree in social work and i graduated last year in november! im very chicken business helped me to get my degree.
my kind of business is poultry,i keep broiler chickens.the chicken have high demand in our area because there are alot of restaurants,lodges and schools.the chickens are sold at ZMW50 each. i normally order a day old chick at ZMW6.50. the profits i make from the business are used to pay for my daugters school fees,my school fees,upkeep and far the previous loan i got from zidisha has really helped me alot.i even graduated from university with a bachelors degree of social work.i would like to expand my business hence this application.i want to extend my chicken house to accomodate more chickens because the demand is high,and i know that the more chickens i sell i sell,the more profit i make.
when my loan is approved,i will use the money to extend my chicken house. i need about 100 bricks which will cost me $60.i also need to get 6 iron sheets which will cost me$40.then il need to get more feeders and drinkers which will cost me$30.then il order more chickens 150 and they cost 6cents each so 150 will cost me about $90.Then i need to get vaccines and chicken feed which will cost me $120,once i get these things done i believe my business will grow tremendously and my customer base will be wide aslo my customers will be very happy.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Apr 8, 2017
Repayment status
Projected term
7 months
Other loans
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