Hypower wiremen business expansion project loan


Lusaka, Zambia

100% repaid




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

7 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is Ian Chikunji, i was born in 1973 in a remote area called Mwinilunga. My father was a teacher and he was a hard worker who always told us to work hard.My mother was an orphan who was raised from an orphanage and her life with my daddy was very hard. I was born in a family of 9 from same mother but my father married other women and fathered 16 more children and it was difficult for my father to support us all, however he managed to educate us with a lot of difficult.My mother could sell some vegetables to supplement I promised my self to work extra hard in life and support my family and my parents. Am a holder of a diploma in electrical appliance servicing and repairing and this was the foundation of my business. Due to financial difficult i prefer going out house to house looking for jobs. I started my business in order to support my children at school and plan for the future. I want my children to be educated and also learn how to generate extra cash. At the time i did my diploma i did not have enough cash and so i started selling oranges to pay my school fees. and i achieved my goals. My hobbies are dancing, riding bikes and running. I want to be successful. I also have a dream of starting a youth skills training center taught in local languages targeting those who cant write or read but can learn some skills. I believe that with your assistance i will achieve my dream.

My Business

My goods and services are : repairing domestic electrical appliances and sell cables, and electrical fittings in addition i also do house wiring. My goods and services are useful and on demand because every house hold needs them. I make about a K1000 per week in repairs and about K1500. I use my profits to expand my business and pay school fees for my kids and our house rentals. And also buy farm inputs for my mother. I intend to use the loan to expand my business and employ some jobless youths. I enjoy repairing and servicing appliances its my life and my dream. I also opened a facebook account called Hypower Wiremen to advertise my services and goods.

Loan Proposal

I will use the loan to start an electrical hard ware shop. This will also allow me to have stock to use in the field and i will employ 1 assistant. My profit is expected to increase by at least 50% and i will income from the repairs and from my hard ware shop.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 28, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks




Nuernberg, Germany


Espoo, Finland

Rosario von Li

San Jose, Ca, United States

Christopher Hey

Sudbury, Canada

Ask Ian a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Roy    Jan 3, 2016

    Hello Ian,
    How are you?

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    • Ian    Jan 3, 2016

      Hello Roy,

      Am great and how are you doing?

      Happy New you and it's good to hear from you.



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      • Roy    Jan 4, 2016

        I am well....Things are good here.
        I was wondering, because at this time you do not have a loan.
        I am pleased things are good for you. Good luck for the coming year.

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  • Christopher Hey    Sep 15, 2015

    Hi Ian,

    It's good to see that everything was sorted out with your loan. I hope that this helps you to expand your business.

    Take care, and I wish you all the best!


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    • Ian    Sep 16, 2015

      Hi Chris,

      Am grateful for your encouraging words. Yes my loan was finally disbursed and i was very happy. The only challenge i have is that prices of commodities has gone up because of the exchange rate of US dollar. Our country economy is not doing very well but am trying very hard to expand my business. The rate of expansion is slow.

      Best regards,

      Ian Chikunji

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  • Christopher Hey    Aug 25, 2015

    Hi Ian,

    The Zidisha website says that your loan is still pending disbursement. Is everything going ok with getting the funds?

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    • Ian    Aug 26, 2015

      Dear Chris,

      Honestly I don't know what's going on with my loan.



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      • Roy    Aug 26, 2015

        Hello Chris and Ian,
        I understand that frequently, delays occur because borrowes do not finally agree and/or give the necessary details.... So the question arises have you been in contact with Zidisha via email at [email protected] ?

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        • Ian    Aug 26, 2015

          Hello Roy,

          Zidisha country manager sent an email stating that when they try to disburse the loan they were failing. The manager asked if at all I had Cash in my account and i said I had non. The manager promised to look into the matter. But there after I have heard nothing from Zidisha.

          Thanks for your email.



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          • Roy    Aug 26, 2015

            Hello Again,
            I understand that you applied for the loan on 12 August, if we add the 10 days for the fund raising period, this brings the process up to the 22nd. A Saturday, as the staff processing the loans, are all volunteers, doing it for nothing, they are not asked to work weekends, this brings it to last Monday, 24 August. This means (by my calculations, with the information I have) that it is not yet three full working days since your loan since it being fully funded.. If we consider with this the time between them sending a message and you responding. I respectfully suggest you need to be a little more patient with others who are trying to help you.

            Good luck,

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            • Christopher Hey    Aug 27, 2015

              Thank you for the information Roy.

              I am very grateful for the work being done by Zidisha volunteers, as I'm sure Ian is as well. I only brought up the question as it seemed that many of the other loans which I was a part of were distributed within a day or two and I was unsure if this was the standard processing time.
              Once again, you have my utmost respect, and thank you for your help.


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              • Ian    Aug 28, 2015

                Dear Chris and Roy,

                I wish to inform you that K816 has be disbursed in my MTN mobile account and another amount will be disbursed later on.

                Am thank full to the Zidisha and you two gentlemen for your concerns.

                Lastly i thank the Zidisha team through the country manager.

                Best regards,

                Ian Chikunji

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  • Christopher Hey    Aug 17, 2015

    You stated that you do house wiring. Do you have experience with solar panels? Installing solar panels as a business could be something to consider as it would provide customers with reliable electricity and it is a good match for your skill set. Message me after your current loan, I would be very interested in getting your opinion on this.

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    • Ian    Aug 17, 2015

      Hello Chris,

      Am delighted to receive a mail from you. Yes i do house wiring both residential and commercial. I don't have experience in solar panels but with resources i can supply and install. Most of the companies that sell the solar panels give a condition that if they use another electrician then there will be no warrant on the solar system. With enough resources i can venture in it because it is a reliable source of energy and environmental friendly. I will work hard to raise more resources to help me order good quality solar panels that i can supply and install.

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  • Christopher Hey    Aug 16, 2015

    Hi Ian!

    Great to see that you are planning to use your skills to increase your business. The services which you provide are essential for your community.
    You have a good plan to establish a shop, and with your service work you already have income necessary to support the shop, and to increase confidence in people lending money.
    I would love to hear how things go with your business!

    Take care,


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    • Ian    Aug 17, 2015

      Hi Chris,

      Am once more great full to hear from you. My electrical business is growing at a stead pace. The income i raise from repair works can support the works to an extent but not enough to take it to the level where i want it to be. As an entrepreneur i have been struggling to get a loan from the bank because they need collateral, And a friend of mine told me about zidisha . The initial loan is not going to do much but my aim is to win the trust and be allowed to get a reasonable loan that can allow me to buy equipment and buy stock for my hardware shop. My dream or vision is to open a youth skills training center where the youth who have not gone to school can be taught skills to help them make money in their community.

      Am great full and hope to hear from you.



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