I want to add more stock and also add a green grocer


Mikanjuni, Mtwapa, Kenya

50% repaid




Member since

January 2013

On-time repayments

37 installments  •  65%

About Me

Am a father of ten children, five boys and five girls. four of my children are in secondary school and the other five are in primary school.These primary school student are all in private school, Its xpensive but i had to do as i want my children to have quality education as in the public school education is low. I have a very big task as all my children needs education and food and not just education but quality education.With my primary school education this has been a very hard job for me. i decided to try business which has given a little help.i first started a charcoal business which i do it at my home. This has been a good help and ive been doing this for the last five years. In this business i go to the bush to guy the firewood and charcoal form the dealers and bring them here at mtwapa for sale. In this business i get an income of ksh 25,000 monthly. With my income i pay school fees and buy food for my family. And save as much as possible so that i can be able to expand my business.

My Business

Am a businessman in mtwapa doing a charcoal and firewood business. This business has become very popular here in mtwapa and even in other areas, this is beacuse charcoal and firewood have a fairer price compared to kerosine and cooking gas. Considering today's economy every one is looking for the best alternative as to what fits the pocket. I have ready customers and there is demand of these commodities. Risks in this business are like when it rains the charcoal cant be processed. In this business i make an income of ksh 25,000 per month. With this i use ksh 10,000 paying school fees and ksh 5,000 buying food. So i save ksh 10,000 per month. With this saving i can repay my zidisha loan without any problem. Am determined and i wat to make sure that all my children get the best education that i missed.And this is why i want zidisha to help me improve my business as this the only source of income i have.When this business succeeds it means i'll have the best chance to educate my children and provide them with thier basic requirements.

Loan Proposal

hello my dear lenders, am so happy to work hand in hand with you for all this while. I have seen good returns to my business due to your kind contribution to my business. with this loan I would. like to add more stock and also start a green grocer at my home. this will be so good as I will have created a job for my son who is now at home. after finishing his studies. at the same time. I will increase income. thank you so much may God bless you all.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 23, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

8 weeks




TÄBY, Sweden


Phnom Penh, Cambodia, United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States

John Minges

United States

Jonathan Ely

Aldershot, United Kingdom

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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  • rjb    Dec 20, 2016

    Hi Stephen, how is your business going? You haven't made any repayments for a few months. Is everything OK?

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  • SeeMeeFi    Jul 17, 2014

    Hi Stephen,
    Thank you for your full repayment. I wish you the best in your future. God bless you and your family.

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  • Stephen    Mar 16, 2014

    Hello i have today sent the remaining amount of my loan, i hope the credit limit will raise as i have repaid on time. My previous credit limit was too low that i could not finish my proposed purpose. Thank you all and may God bless you all.

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  • ZacJ89    Aug 26, 2013

    I wish you the best of luck Stephen and hope your business continues to expand and profit.

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  • Stephen    Aug 26, 2013

    Hello my dear lenders am so happy that my loan is now fully funded. I will make sure sure i utilize the money so as to reach my goals.

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  • rhagen    Jun 30, 2013

    Dear Stephen,

    Hope all is well on your side.
    Thank you for your first reimbursement. I hope the loan has been helpful for you and your business is doing well. I assume so, since this must be the coldest period in Kenya. I had the pleasure of visiting your country a number of times on business trips: I was in Nairobi, Lokichogio and Eldoret but never made it to the Mombasa area. Hopefully one day I will. I do know people who are from there and they talked with love about the location.
    As I said, thank you for the first reimbursement. I used the funds towards another loan, so you have helped one of your countryman a little as well.

    By the way: we share something: my Christian name is Steven

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