
Masekini Village, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

April 2013

On-time repayments

97 installments  •  40%

About Me

i am a widow aged 43 years with three children,one still in high school and 2 awaiting to join college.i started a business of selling clothes after the death of my husband to support my family since i am the sole bread winner.i sell clothes of people of different ages like males ware ladies ware children's ware etc.initially i used to hawk from door to door but now i have a stall at uvete market.Am looking forward to get funds from zidisha to boost my business.That way i will be assured of more stock to satisfy my clients.i will stock most of the things they had come and left because i had not stocked at least i will be able to retain my clients.

My Business

my business is located at uvete shopping center which is 16 kilometers from kilome market in makueni county.I started this business 7 years ago when my husband died leaving me with the responsibility of taking care of our 3 children. I started small from hawking ladies ware from door to door and later started my own is through this business that my children have remained in school and we also depend on it for our day to day survival.In a day i make at least Kshs 300 profit which is the reason why my business has grown.most customer buy from my shop because my prices are reasonable compared to the rest and i also give credit looking forward to being funded by zidisha.

Loan Proposal

I want to but variety of stock for my shop in uvete market.I have been selling clothes and would like to add things like shoes,handbags,cloth materials etc .I want my business to continue growing as it is my only source of income.Please help me grow it lenders.When i was introduced to zidisha,i saw alot of hope for my business and could not actually wait for my request to get so so happy that it has worked for me and i now look forward to getting the funds to expand.i promise to mantain a very good credit relationship with zidisha.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 18, 2013

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

15 months




New Jersey, United States


Falun, Sweden


Falun, Sweden



Tremonton, United States

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