Member since
February 2014
On-time repayments
30 installments • 70%
Am a mother of one, a born again christian who loves making friends and helping the needy, i live with my immediate family. A full time employee with a privately owned company in the oil sector. I love to socialize and i have a passion for business, i hope to one day be a successful business woman employing at least 10 people. I do several small small businesses on the side including buying and reselling of second hand clothes/ ladies wallets in the offices where i work. I have a diploma in the field of my work and also training in hair dressing.
My main income source is the pay i receive from my employer , its not currently enough to cater for my needs and those of my family and that lend me to taking up a course in hair dressing and so i also work part time as a hair dresser, so i combine my 2 incomes to make ends meet. I love doing what i do and i plan to set up a bigger hair and beauty salon in the course of the year. I also earn quite some good money from the second hand business i do even though i don't do it regular. Am also planning on how i can expand on that business as i have seen that there is market.
I will use the money $98.6958 to increase my stock of second hand clothes so that am able to supply my customers on time without fail. The profits i make from the sale will go a long way in helping cater for some of the household needs . I will also use the funds to grow my business and eventual y be able to open a shop where i can now stock a variety of clothes eg: for men ,women wear and kids both clothes and shoes.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 24, 2014
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
7 months
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