I will use the loan to improve communication to customers and delivery of products in time, with that i would know thei...


Nakuru, Kenya

91% repaid




Member since

January 2014

On-time repayments

7 installments  •  57%

About Me

i was born in rachuonyo district in homa bay county in the year 1988 in a family of nine, i have four brothers and two sister sand two parents,i attended chemamul b primary school in kericho for the early primary education before finishing my primary education at kanga primary in my home districkt . i attended secondary education at nyangiela high school before joining MIT for training in electrical engineering.
i am a trained electrician from moi institute of technology, i graduated in the year 2011 November, i worked in a real home maintenance before i started sales with yu mobile and airtel mobile in 2012. i latter joined dstv as a direct sales agent in 2013 until i decided to do a bushiness of selling the digital decoders in nakuru region

My Business

in preparation for digital migration in kenya scheduled not letter than 2015, i have ventured in sales of digital decoders from various company in the country, such as gotv, dstv, zuku, christall view and the others.
being a direct link to the customers i get to know their preference in digital migration and entertainment before the others who stay in their shops and wait for the customers to come.
i have challenge in financing my transportation and promotion of my products in the market. i face minimal risk in lose of capital as the decoders are given to me by the company producing them but i face the challenge of proper delivery and installation.
from the sale of a single decoder i am able to make a profit of not less than sh 500 and with good communication and transport i could sale up-to 20 decoders in a month.
it cost me sh 300 per day for transport and sh 400 for communication currently. with an improved budget i could spend up to sh 1500 in a day which would provide nearly three times the current profit. from the business i will be able to pay the loan

Loan Proposal

with the loan I would be able to create a better network for the sales of the digital terrestrial decoders and digital satellite decoders through effective communication and proper and efficient delivery of the products.
by going to the potential customers and markets am sure to make double or even more profit than being stationary at a point. I therefore intend to use the loan to enhance my transportation and link with the mass market.
being in a position to access any quantity of the most commonly used digital decoders from various firms, my only challenge is transport and communication with the potential market.
with the loan I would be able to improve the link with the customers thus improving sales in preparation to the scheduled 2015 digital migration in Kenya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 10, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

7 weeks



United Kingdom


Isak Maaseide

Tromso, Norway, Norway


Sarasota, Fl, United States

Matching Fund

Sterling, United States



United States

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