I will use the loan to increase on my mitumba stock of both babies and ladies clothes


Ongata Rongai, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

January 2014

On-time repayments

46 installments  •  35%

About Me

I'm a christian, married and we have been blessed with one beautiful baby girl of 29 months. I live in Ongata Rongai in Kajiado county.
I have O' Level Certificate and I'm also computer literate.
I started my business so that i could be able to help supplement my husband's income.
The earnings that i get from my business i normally use it to pay utility bills of our household and save the rest for a 'rainy day' or emergencies that may arise either in the household or in my business.
I will pay back my loan using earnings from my business.

My Business

I sell babies and ladies second hand clothes commonly known as mitumba. They are grade A or grade 1 of clothes and these are fondly called 'camera'. This is because they are slightly worn clothes and are also near to being new clothes. I sell the clothes from my house and i also do hawking of the clothes in the neighborhood or the city center.
I live in a middle class estate and people from these side of town most of them cannot afford brand new clothes. This is because brand new clothes are expensive to most of them.
Mitumba clothe on the other hand are way cheaper compared to the brand new clothes. They are also fro reputable fashion houses in the world. They are also of good quality fabric wise and you spend less for more clothes unlike the brand new clothes. And for the above reasons mitumba comes as their first option when buying clothes.
In a month i make a profit of Kshs 15,000 equating to Kshs 180,000 annually.
The first risk my business encounters is when delivering clothes to people's houses. You must have transport that will take you to the delivery place, if you don't have then you loose on the business as no sales will be made. The second risk i encounter in my business is when hawking the clothes in the city center. The city council 'askaris' will always be on our case as we have no license to do business in the city and this will culminate to hawkers being chased away from the city center by use of teargas.

Loan Proposal

The loan amount I'm requesting will come around in helping me a lot in my business. Since I normally buy my camera or grade 1 clothes in pieces not bale form, the money will help me in increasing my stock of clothes with an increase in stock comes the increase in sales and this will lead to an increase in income for my business. With the increase in income it will therefore mean that I will be in a good position to pay back my loan on time without it affecting my business and my lenders will also be paid their dues on time






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 21, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Candiac, Canada


RINCHOA, Portugal



cazenovia, United States



Lahr, Germany

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