
Bahati, Kenya

16% repaid




Member since

October 2012

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is Peter Kamau Ndungu . I come from Bahati, Nakuru County where I reside. Bahati is approximately 20 Km from Nakuru Town on your way to Nyahururu where you aright at Bahati Stage and take a murram road towards St, Lwanga Primary School then Branch to you right hand and ask for Pst. Kamau’s Home Plot no. 283 Bahati Centre. I am married and a father of 4 children.
All of the four children are school undergoing with one at class seven who is the first born,second at class five,third class four while the last is in class two.
We reside at a residential house my wife and the rest of the children.
The Pastroal ministry i started while carrying the job as it was a calling.Sor far am doing well with the congregation whereby the Church is located at Langalanga which is in Nakuru suburbs.With the earnings at my working place am able to meet the neeeds at the home plus the financial i get from the Church.
The job has an employee whom assists me because of other time when the church call for my attention.The employee is paid on commission basis per day plus and depending on set pieces ie the workforce.
On Fridays of every week this is the day set for me as a Pastor to visit my congregation at the offices which are located at the church grounds.

My Business

I am a carpenter where I make all types of furniture’s to the residents. My workshop is located in my residential house where. In a month I am able to make about Kshs. 15000 per month when I subtract the expenses I am able to make a profit of Kshs. 6000 earned from the employee whom i have employed.This is in calculation of the commission basis of the work force from the orders.The orders ranges from the locals in the locality,schools both private and public schools .On my case without summing the amount obtained from the workshop the good months when the business is doing well am able to make a good figure with an estimate of 1000 aday after the total deduction of the home chores am left with 500 this in addition from the employee am able to make 1000 in a day.Am also privileged to get assistant from the church i minister. The congregation has been of great help to ease the school fees burden and other needs.With this ease am able to preach the word at ease.
Being now focused on the church as am sure if i give more energy to it the Lord will reward me with big number of members and with a bigger number the financial support will be higher enabling me to expand the business add some employee and manage the job well carrying too the ministry work

Loan Proposal

i will use the money that i will be lend to improve on my carpentry work.this comes with buying more materials like velvets and timber.I will also use the money to enable me maintain my job in paying the few employees I currently have though it would be better to increase the number of workers to about five as this will serve to help me create employment for more people. i also plan on getting better designs to sell my ideas and final products to more people at a higher cost.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 23, 2012

Repayment status


Projected term

13 months




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