I will use this loan to buy more tanks, buy more treated water and hire two more staffs to help me sell water to most pa...


Nakuru- Ponda Mali Area, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2014

On-time repayments

297 installments  •  10%

About Me

My name is Benard . I am a kenyan citizen. I come from a family of two brothers and two sisters. I am the third born in our family. I am staying in Nakuru County at a place called Ponda mali. I completed my high school in the year 2007. In the 2008, I joined Kenyatta University and did a course in business management. I graduated in the year 2011 and in the year 2012; I decided to start a business of selling treated water to Ponda mali people and its environs. I decided on this business because there was shortage of clean treated water in this area. Ponda mali is like a slum area. It doesn’t have tap water. This has resulted into constant breakout of water borne disease such as diarrhoea, cholera, malaria, trachoma, typhoid and scabies. I manage to start this business with the money that I had borrowed from micro-finance. With this money I bought three storage water tanks. Today I am serving a good number of Ponda mali people with treated water but more still needs to be done in order to be able to eradicate water born diseases this area.

My Business

I am running a business of selling treated water. I have three selling water points which I managed to establish with the three water tanks that I bought. Each of my tanks holds 10,000litres of water. I normally source treated water from the municipal council of Nakuru then I sell it to the residents of Ponda Mali. A jerican of 20 litters of water goes for Ksh 20. My business is on high demand because I am the only person who sells treated water in this area. I am normally able to sell over 4,000 litres of water per day. Despite having three selling water points, I have not been able to cater for the demand of treated water that is required in this area; I am therefore appealing to Zidisha micro-finance to help me bring more treated water to this area. I would like to add more water tanks so that I can be able to sell to other parts of Ponda mali which has not yet been able to access treated water.

Loan Proposal

Ponda Mali is a slum area, It doesn't have access to clean and treated water. The area has been suffering from water born diseases, I will therefore use my loan to buy two more water tanks with capacities of 10,000.litters and hire two more staffs. This will boost my business because I will be able to sell more water and make more profit. The residents of Ponda Mali will also benefit because they will be able to access more clean and treated water. In future I am planning to supply even more water to this area because the demand is very high but I still don't have enough resources to meet the demand.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 10, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months

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