Member since
June 2011
On-time repayments
61 installments • 44%
My name is Esther Njoki Douglas from the Bahati Nakuru.Iam widow and I have children who are all grownups. I work hard to be able to feed myself and some of my grandchildren. I Lives in my farm.i work in the farm where i keep cows and layers and broiler , i also plant different types of crops like maize beans potaoes vegetables peas tomatoes etc. i also stay with grand children who have been of good help to me and also help them in paying their education. we lived in kiambu during my childhood and went to D.E. B Kamahia Primary school where i went from class one to class seven. I was so determined that I was able to go through hardship of lacking school fees many young people were laughing at me, because i was going to school and by that time many girls were not being educated. When i got married , I started saving some money for a business, with also borrowed some from friend and later paid back . Where i live we are mixed people with different backgrounds and cultures. my children are all grown ups. I like reading and also educating myself, from where i left during my child hood. I have upgraded my education through the profit i got from business.
I keep broiler chicken which l sell to get an income I keep about 200 chicken which normally give me a return of 15000 kes per butch after sell. Also grow food crops for sale and for home use. From this I do get about 150000 Kes annually from farming’s have also some cows (3) which give milk for use at home and I also sell some. I sell 12 liters per day 12x30=360x30=10800 kes monthly .this about 400000 kes anually from my business. I use money for my upkeep and paying bills. I sell milk from my cows to the people around who do not keep cows i also sell to dairy company called brookside. i have also kept layers chickens i sell eggs and meat from the broilers. i choose this kind of business because you do it when you are at home. The cost depend with time and season it is not the same all time. I use the profit for reinvestment in growing business , home improvements and others, like saving for my grandchildren.
I would like to take this time to thank zidisha team for the good work. I thank you for the two loans you have given me also for the incoming loan. For this incoming loan I hope to continue with business of farming I will use the money to pay for the weeding of my farm also I will buy some foliar feeds for the plant that are growing in the farm I will also be able to buy feed for my chickens and cows. Thank you very much.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jul 8, 2013
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
12 months
Other loans
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